
状态自我控制量表中文版测评大学生的效度与信度 被引量:5

Validity and reliability of the Chinese version of the State Self-Control Capacity Scale in college students
摘要 目的:引入状态自我控制量表(SSCCS),并在大学生样本中检验效度与信度。方法:选取武汉市某高校大学生599名,进行条目分析、探索性因子分析和效度检验,选取大学生274名进行验证性因子分析和内部一致性信度检验,选取大学生34名进行间隔2周的重测。以谢尔曼-梅拉米德枯竭量表(SMBM)与情绪枯竭量表(EES)为效标问卷。结果:各条目得分与总分的相关在0.34~0.76之间;探索性因子分析显示为单一因子;验证性因子分析显示模型拟合良好(χ^2/df=1.29、RMSEA=0.03、NFI=0.90、NNFI=0.97、CFI=0.98、IFI=0.98、GFI=0.90);SSCCS得分与SMBM、EES得分均呈负相关(r=-0.78、-0.71,均P<0.01)。SSCCS中文版的内部一致性Cronbachα系数为0.93,2周后的重测信度(ICC)为0.81。结论:状态自我控制量表中文版具有良好的效度和信度,可用于大学生状态自我控制测量。 Objective:To evaluate the validity and reliability of the Chinese version of the State Self-Control Capacity Scale(SSCCS) in the sample of college students.Methods:Totally 599 college students from a university in Wuhan were used for item analysis,exploratory factor analysis and validity analysis,274 were used for further confirmatory factor analysis and internal consistency reliability analysis,and 34 were retested after a two-week interval for test-retest reliability analysis.The Shirom-Melamed Burnout Measure(SMBM) and Emotional Exhaustion Scale(EES) were chosen as the criterion-related indication.Results:Item analysis showed that the SSCCS had satisfactory item discrimination(r=0.34-0.76).Confirmatory factor analysis showed that the whole scale had a one-order factor and good construct validity(χ~2/df=1.29,RMSEA=0.03,NFI=0.90,NNFI=0.97,CFI=0.98,IFI=0.98,GFI=0.90).The SSCCS scores were negatively correlated with the scores of SMBM and EES(r=-0.78,-0.71,Ps<0.01).The internal consistency alpha coefficients of the SSCCS was 0.93,the test-retest reliability of the SSCCS after 2 weeks was 0.81.Conclusion:The Chinese version of SSCCS could be used as an effective and reliable tool for measuring the state self-control capacity in college students.
作者 费爱晶 杨琴 王煜 贺子京 FEI Aijing;YANG Qin;WANG Yu;HE Zijing(Research Center for Psychological Sciences and Health,China University of Geosciences,Wuhan 430074,China)
出处 《中国心理卫生杂志》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2020年第12期1036-1040,共5页 Chinese Mental Health Journal
基金 湖北省人文社科基金项目——高校精神疾病大学生复学后的社会适应问题研究(18Z405)。
关键词 状态自我控制量表 大学生 效度 信度 State Self-Control Capacity Scale college student validity reliability
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