
军医大学医学生人文素养培育现状与对策分析 被引量:11

Analysis on the Current Situation and Countermeasures of Cultivating Medical Students’Humanistic Quality in Military Medical University
摘要 军医大学医学生的人文素养培育是军医人才培养的重要组成部分,通过人文素养培育更好适应未来军事医学发展需要,锚定未来战场军医可能遭遇的道德困惑、道德难题等。通过问卷了解到当前军医大学人文素养现状,存在军事人文特色不鲜明、对人文素养认识不到位、缺乏人文书籍技巧指导、人文类课程缺乏教法创新等问题。进而提出对策:整合人文课程资源、增加社会实践,在处理军医的道德困惑实践中引入叙事医学,充分利用卫生法学教育实践资源,发挥历史与中医传统文化阵地的作用,结合叙事文学与写作等手段。 The cultivation of humanistic qualities for medical students in military medical universities is an important part of the cultivation of military medical personnel.The cultivation of humanistic qualities can better meet the needs of the development of military medicine in the future and anchor the moral perplexities,moral problems,new economic and social problems that military doctors may encounter in the future battlefield.Through the questionnaire,this study explored the current situation of humanistic qualities in military medical universities.There were some problems,such as the lack of distinct military humanistic characteristics,the insufficient understanding of humanistic quality,the lack of humanistic book skills guidance,and the lack of teaching method innovation in humanistic courses.These countermeasures have been proposed,including:integrating humanities curriculum resources,increasing social practice,introducing narrative medicine into the practice of dealing with the moral confusion of military doctors,making full use of the educational practice resources of health law,giving play to the role of history and traditional Chinese medicine culture,combining narrative literature and writing and other means.
作者 张秋菊 王丹 林欣芳 丁季喆 程子怡 谢执琳 张婧子 ZHANG Qiuju;WANG Dan;LIN Xinfang;DING Jizhe;CHENG Ziyi;XIE Zhilin;ZHANG Jingzi(Basic Medical College,Air Force Medical University,Xi’an 710032,China)
出处 《中国医学伦理学》 2020年第10期1282-1286,共5页 Chinese Medical Ethics
基金 2020年度国家社科基金高校思政课研究专项“军队院校思政课‘为战育人’模块链系统联动研究”(20VSZ149)。
关键词 医学人文 军事特色 教法创新 课程资源 实践资源 叙事医学 Medical Humanities Military Characteristics Teaching Method Innovation Course Resources Practical Resources Narrative Medicine
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