
紧扣高考评价体系 考核史学核心素养——2020年天津市普通高中学业水平等级性考试历史学科试卷评价

Closely Following the Evaluation System of College Entrance Examination,Assessing the Core Capacity of History Subject:Evaluation of History Subject Papers in 2020 High School Academic Level Grading Test
摘要 2020年天津市普通高中学业水平等级性考试历史试题,坚持以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,遵循课标要求,结合天津市教学实际,在考查考生历史学科核心素养、关键能力和必备知识的同时,突出价值引领,总体符合“一核四层四翼”高考评价体系要求,体现历史学科教育功能与人文价值的有机统一。试卷围绕高中历史学科的主干内容,突出学科特点,立意新颖、形式多样、题量适中,力求在保持总体稳定的基础上有所创新;既有利于高校人才选拔,又有利于高中课程改革的推进,对高中历史教学也有较好的引领作用,有力地推动了天津市新一轮高考改革的平稳落地。 2020 NMET History Paper of Tianjin is guided by Xi Jinping’s new socialist ideology of China’s characteristics.Following the requirements of curriculum standards and combining with the teaching practice of Tianjin,the core values,key abilities and essential knowledge of the examinees were examined,while the value guidance was highlighted,which accords with the requirements of the“one core,four levels and four wings”entrance examination system.It embodies the organic unity of the educational function of history and humanistic value.Around the main content of the high school history subject,the examination paper highlights the characteristics of the subject,with novel ideas,diverse forms and moderate amount of questions,striving to innovate on the basis of maintaining overall stability.It is not only conducive to the selection of talents in colleges and universities,but also conducive to the promotion of senior high school curriculum reform,which has a better leading role in the history teaching,and has effectively promoted the new round of college entrance examination reform in Tianjin landing smoothly.
作者 孙熙隆 Sun Xilong(Tianjin Municipal Educational Admission and Examination Authority,Tianjin,300387)
出处 《考试研究》 2020年第6期17-20,共4页 Examinations Research
基金 天津市教委科研计划一般项目“2020年普通高考(天津卷)及高中学业水平等级性考试试卷设计研究”(2019SK131)部分研究成果。
关键词 考试内容改革 历史学科命题 高考评价体系 试题评价 Reform of Examination Content Proposition of History Subject Evaluation System of College Entrance Examination Evaluation of Examination
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