
空间句法视角下的老城区叙事空间系统优化方法研究——以厦门市营平片区为例 被引量:3

Research on the Optimization Method of Narrative Space System in Old Urban Area from the Perspective of Spatial Syntax——Take Yingping District of Xiamen City as an Example
摘要 老城区作为城市的发源地,是城市历史文化长河中不可多得的瑰宝。但是随着现代生活方式的不断入侵,老城区功能结构不断变化,历史遗迹随之渐消失,老城区历史文化传承岌岌可危。本文以厦门市老城区营平片区为例,通过空间句法理论对营平街巷空间进行分析,再结合叙事空间的理论和方法,筛选、划定片区内具有历史意义的公共空间极核,构建营平片区的叙事空间系统,使得营平的历史遗迹成体系地向居民和游客展示。基于空间句法和叙事空间的研究方法,改变了单凭直觉经验进行老城区空间改造的更新方式,为营平片区的可持续发展提供新思路。 As the birthplace of the city,the old city is a rare treasure in the long history and culture of the city.However,with the continuous invasion of modern lifestyle,the functional structure of the old city is changing constantly,and the historical relics are disappearing gradually,and the historical and cultural inheritance of the old city is in danger.Taking Yingping area of Xiamen city as an example,this paper analyzes the street space of Yingping area through space syntax theory.In combination with the theory and method of narrative space,the polar core of public space with historical significance in the area is screened and delimited to construct the narrative space system in Yingping Area.The historical sites in Yingping area are systematically displayed to residents and visitors.Based on the research method of space syntax and narrative space,the updating method of the old urban space reconstruction based on the intuitive experience is changed,which provides a new idea for the sustainable development of Yingping area.
作者 肖铭 潘虎 Xiao Ming;Pan Hu
出处 《中外建筑》 2020年第10期100-103,共4页 Chinese & Overseas Architecture
基金 福建省自然科学基金项目(编号2017J01091) 福建省社会科学规划项目(编号:FJ2017B056) 华侨大学校科研项目(编号14BS108)。
关键词 老城区 叙事空间 空间句法 营平片区 old town narrative space space syntax Yingping area
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