

Difficulties and Strategies for Developing Countries to Participate in the WTO Plurilateral Negotiations on E-commerce
摘要 世界贸易体制缺乏与贸易相关的全球性电子商务规则。世界贸易组织电子商务诸边谈判的启动为构建全球性电子商务规则带来曙光。但参与成员立场和观点的分歧又为谈判走向带来不确定性。中国作为最大的发展中国家,必将立足于"发展",为全球性电子商务规则的建立贡献中国智慧。通过回顾梳理电子商务的发展和电子商务诸边谈判的进展,比较各国立场,进而分析谈判阻碍,以期对中国参与世界贸易组织电子商务诸边谈判的政策研究有所裨益。 The world trading system lacks trade-related global rules for e-commerce.The launching of WTO ecommerce plurilateral negotiations has brought dawn to the construction of global e-commerce rules.However,different positions and various views from the participating members have brought uncertainty to the prospect of negotiations.As the largest developing country,China will certainly regard"development"as the purpose and continually contribute Chinese wisdom to the establishment of global e-commerce rules.By reviewing the development of e-commerce and the progress of the negotiations on e-commerce,comparing the positions of various countries,this paper analyzes the obstacles to negotiation,in order to promote policy researches on China’s strategy to participate in the WTO e-commerce negotiations.
作者 付佳伟 FU Jiawei(China Institute for WTO Studies,University of International Business and Economics,Beijing 100029)
出处 《吉林化工学院学报》 CAS 2020年第10期83-88,共6页 Journal of Jilin Institute of Chemical Technology
基金 对外经济贸易大学国内外联合培养研究生项目(JS20190205)。
关键词 电子商务 WTO 特殊和差别待遇 诸边谈判 e-commerce WTO special and differential treatment plurilateral negotiation
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