

National Autonomy and the Moon Jae-in Administration’s Policy to DPRK
摘要 文在寅执政后,韩国对朝鲜实施双轨与二元相结合的政策,力图通过经济合作实现朝鲜弃核和由其主导统一半岛的双重目标。同时,为了应对朝核威胁,韩国在巩固美韩同盟之时也不断提升自主防卫能力。文在寅政府在对朝政策中强调韩国自主,这与朝鲜和美国产生了矛盾,导致其政策无法实施,更不用说实现预期目标,这就是韩国的国家自主性困境。这一困境的产生源于韩国边缘地带国家的地缘政治条件,韩国的国内政治生态环境及其主导下的统一外交也是重要因素。要解决这一困境,韩国必须终止美韩同盟,构建半岛永久和平机制。另外,韩国应该摈弃吸收统一的对朝政策,在真心承认对方合法性的基础上实现双方真诚而长期的和平共处。 The Moon Jae-in’s administration has been implementing a twin-track and dual policy towards DPRK in order to achieve the goals of the DPRK’s denuclearization and leading the unity of the Korean Peninsula through economic cooperation.Meanwhile,ROK improves its own defense capability to tackle DPRK’s nuclear threat and strengthens the US-ROK alliance at the same time.ROK has to face a national autonomy dilemma as the Moon Jae-in’s administration emphasizes ROK’s national autonomy,which contradicts that of DPRK and the U.S.and results in the failure of policy implementation,let alone achieve the expected goal.Geopolitical conditions,domestic political environment and unity diplomacy generate the dilemma.Ways to keep ROK out of the dilemma include:to terminate the US-ROK alliance,and construct a permanent peace mechanism for the Korean Peninsula.Furthermore,ROK should quit the policy of uniting DPRK by absorption,sincerely recognize DPRK’s legitimacy to achieve a long-term peaceful coexistence with each other.
作者 沈文辉 刘佳林 SHEN Wen-hui;LIU Jia-lin
出处 《延边大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2020年第6期13-22,139,共11页 Journal of Yanbian University:Social Science Edition
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目(11&ZD181)。
关键词 国家自主性 文在寅政府 对朝政策 双轨制政策 二元政策 national autonomy the Moon Jae-in administration policy to DPRK twin-track policy dual policy
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