
从β-Nb氧化角度探究Zr-Nb系锆合金在LiOH水溶液中腐蚀加速的机理 被引量:3

Mechanism of the accelerated corrosion of Zr-Nb alloys in lithiated water from the viewpoint ofβ-Nb oxidation
摘要 E110和M5等Zr-Nb系锆合金在堆内和360℃/18.6 MPa/去离子水中表现出优良的耐腐蚀性,但在360℃/18.6 MPa/0.01 mol/L LiOH水溶液中表现出明显的腐蚀加速现象.综述了Zr-Nb系锆合金中的主要第二相β-Nb在不同腐蚀条件下的腐蚀氧化行为,发现β-Nb第二相在LiOH水溶液中腐蚀时很快氧化成Nb2O5,Nb2O5会与LiOH反应形成LiNbO3,LiNbO3会溶解进入溶液而在氧化膜中留下孔隙.从β-Nb第二相氧化角度阐述了Zr-Nb系锆合金在LiOH水溶液中发生腐蚀加速的机理. Zr-Nb series zirconium alloys such as E110 and M5 show excellent corrosion resistance in nuclear reactors and static autoclaves with deionised water at 360℃and18.6 MPa.However,the alloys exhibit accelerated corrosion in lithiated water with0.01 mol/L LiOH under identical conditions of temperature and pressure.The oxidation behaviour ofβ-Nb,which is the main second phase particle in Zr-Nb series zirconium alloys,is overviewed under different corrosive conditions in this study.It is found thatβ-Nb is quickly oxidised to Nb2 O5,which may react with LiOH to form LiNbO3;it also dissolves into the corrosive environment to leave pores in the oxide films.The mechanism of accelerated corrosion of Zr-Nb series zirconium alloys in lithiated water with LiOH is proposed from the viewpoint ofβ-Nb oxidation.
作者 姚美意 周邦新 YAO Meiyi;ZHOU Bangxin(Institute of Materials,Shanghai University,Shanghai 200072,China)
出处 《上海大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第5期681-692,共12页 Journal of Shanghai University:Natural Science Edition
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51871141,51471102)。
关键词 锆合金 β-Nb 腐蚀 zirconium alloy β-Nb corrosion
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