
中蒙双边投资协定的现实挑战与迭代升级 被引量:4

The Realistic Challenges and Updating of the China-Mongolia BIT
摘要 双边投资协定是国际投资法律体系的重要组成部分,在促进对外投资以及保护投资者利益方面扮演着重要角色。中国和蒙古国于1991年签订了《关于鼓励和相互保护投资协定》,其内容较为简单和保守,对投资者的保护水平较低。随着当今世界经贸形势的发展变化,该协定已远远滞后于中蒙两国对外投资法律体系的发展现状,并不利于中蒙双方经贸关系的健康发展。2016年蒙古国与加拿大签订的《外国投资促进与保护协定》代表着蒙古国双边投资协定的最新进展和最高水平。中国与加拿大同为蒙古国的主要投资来源国,且大多投资于蒙古国的矿产资源领域。因此,中国应参照蒙加双边投资协定,积极启动与蒙古国的双边投资协定的更新谈判,力争签订具有较高保护水平的双边投资协定,促进中蒙经贸关系的健康发展以及中蒙俄经济走廊的有序建设。 Bilateral Investment Treaties(BIT)are important components of the international investment law system and play very important role in promoting foreign investment and protecting investors.Adopted in 1991,the China-Mongolia BIT has simple and conservative contents and could not provide high level protection to investors.With the changing world economic and trade situation,the China-Mongolia BIT has been outdated from the current situation of the economic relationship and the domestic policy and legislative evolution of the contracting parties,thus going against the sound development of bilateral economic relationship of China and Mongolia.The Mongolia-Canada BIT,adopted in 2016,representing the most advanced investment protection level of Mongolia.China and Canada are the main investment original countries for Mongolia,and both their main investment areas are Mongolia's mineral resources.Taking the Mongolia-Canada BIT as a reference,China should initiate the China-Mongolia BIT updating negotiation,try to adopt a higher-level BIT,which could promote the healthy development of the economic relationship between China and Mongolia and the orderly construction of the China-Mongolia-Russia Economic Corridor.
作者 鄂晓梅 E Xiao-mei(School of Law,Inner Mongolia University,Hohhot Inner Mongolia 010070,China)
出处 《内蒙古社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第6期15-21,共7页 Inner Mongolia Social Sciences
基金 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目“中蒙经济合作中的法律问题研究”(编号:16JJD820007)。
关键词 中国 蒙古国 BIT 《中蒙协定》 《蒙加协定》 China Mongolia BIT(Bilateral Investment Treaty) China-Mongolia BIT Mongolia-Canada BIT
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