A set of unique treatment plan is formed by combining the folk methods of loosening tendons and checking foci with the twelve meridians of traditional Chinese medicine,which is called Zhuang medicine meridians therapy.The methods of acupuncture,cupping and tendon management were used to treat the patients.Warm acupuncture is an organic combination of acupuncture and moxibustion.By igniting the moxa stick on the handle of the needle,the heat can be transmitted to the acupoints,so as to adjust the viscera,warm the meridians and collaterals,promote qi and blood circulation,eliminate swelling and eliminate knots,and effectively relieve muscle spasm and local pain and other symptoms.Some tissues and organs of middle-aged and old people degenerate,thus forming senile arthritis.The knee joint is the main load-bearing joint of the body.Degenerative lesions appear in articular cartilage and synovium,forming osteoarthritis of the knee joint.The symptoms of knee osteoarthritis are pain of knee joint,which greatly affects the health and quality of life of patients.The main means of its treatment are surgery,physical therapy and traditional Chinese medicine.Acupuncture is the most effective treatment in traditional Chinese medicine.The main methods of warming acupuncture and moxibustion in the treatment of knee osteoarthritis are warming acupuncture and moxibustion combined with external use of drugs,warming acupuncture and moxibustion combined with intraarticular drug injection,warming acupuncture and moxibustion combined with acupoint injection.Warm acupuncture and moxibustion can improve the internal blood circulation and relieve the pain and stiffness of knee joint.The method of treatment of knee osteoarthritis with the combination of Zhuang medicine and warming acupuncture and moxibustion significantly improves the efficiency of treatment,improves the quality of life of patients,has a good clinical application value,and is worth promoting in clinical use.
LI Zheng-shi(Ethnic Hospital of Bama Yao Autonomous County,Hechi,Guangxi 547000)
Smart Healthcare
Zhuangyi Jingjin therapy
Warm acupuncture
Knee osteoarthritis
Traditional Chinese medicine