
新时代干部选拔任用制度新变化与新特征——党的十八大以来干部选拔任用制度发展创新概述 被引量:4

New Changes and Features in the System for the Selection and Appointment of Party and Government Officials in the New Era
摘要 党的十八大以来,干部选拔任用制度呈现出许多新变化和新特征。以《党政领导干部选拔任用工作条例》为核心的基本制度不断修订完善,能上能下、防止"带病提拔"、监督检查和责任追究等配套法规不断规范健全,从严管理监督专项制度不断创新发展;确立了"事业为上""德才兼备、以德为先"的干部选拔标准,强化了政治要求,提出并坚持"好干部"标准;强化党管干部原则和党组织领导把关作用,弱化了竞争性选拔方式,回归并不断规范完善了常规性选拔方式;动议研判、民主推荐、考察及讨论决定等各项工作程序进一步规范化精细化;强化从严管理,加强干部监督。 Since the 18 th National Congress of the Communist Party of China,some new changes and features have presented in the system for the selection and appointment of Party and government officials.For instance,the"Regulations on the Selection and Appointment of Party and Government Officials",the core of the basic system has been constantly revised and perfected;the criteria for selecting and assessing officials that put"performance above all",on the basis of"both integrity and ability,with priority given to integrity",with emphasis on political performance,have been adopted and adhered to;the principle of the Party supervising officials and the leadership accountability of Party organizations for selecting officials have been highlighted while competitive approach has been marginalized,tending to resort more to the regular mechanisms on the basis of constant modifying;the procedures such as motion assessment,democratic recommendation,examination,deliberation and decisionmaking have been standardized and improved;management and supervision over officials have been tightened up.
作者 郝玉明 HAO Yuming(Chinese Academy of Personnel Science,Chaoyang,Beijing 100101)
出处 《中国延安干部学院学报》 北大核心 2020年第5期84-91,共8页 Journal of China Executive Leadership Academy Yan’an
关键词 十八大 选拔任用 制度发展 制度创新 新变化 新特征 18th CPC National Congress selection and appointment institutional development institutional exploration new change new feature
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