Faced with“the Trump’s shock”,the perception of alliance among mainstream think-tanks in the United States and Japan has been,rather than weakened,become even more solid.Based on a consistent understanding of China’s security challenge,think-tanks both in U.S.and Japan continue to provide intellectual support for strengthening the alliance.Due to domestic differences in the U.S.and Trump’s unique policy,the policy recommendations from American and Japanese think-tanks on promoting the multilateralism and liberal international order can not stop the unilateralism of the Trump administration.However,exchanges between American and Japanese think-tanks have inspired the U.S.to attach more importance to Japan,and also provided Japan with a channel to ease America’s doubts about Japan’s proximity to China,in order to avoid misjudgment and consolidate consensus.It is possible for China to make Japan take a role as a bridge of communication in the trilateral relations among China,the U.S.and Japan,but it is not possible to make use of“the Trump’s shock”to break up the U.S.-Japan alliance.At present,the fundamental common ground of Sino-Japanese relations is the great importance that both sides attach to the multilateral international trade order,and one of the most decisive factors for development of Sino-Japanese relations lies in whether both sides can continuously meet each other’s expectations in maintaining the multilateral trade order.
Fan Qiang;Xu Xuefei
Japanese Studies