

Summary Of Symptoms And Corrective Measures Of Tooth Defect
摘要 牙缺损在日常生活中十分常见,有的患者病情并不严重,仅仅是因为一些单纯机械摩擦作用,对自身的牙齿硬组织造成的损耗,这种情况主要属于牙齿磨损。还有的患者由于患病或受到外力等原因,出现了牙齿折裂、整颗牙缺失的情况,不仅影响患者的日常饮食,对口腔美观、口腔健康也十分不利。本次主要针对牙缺损的症状和矫正措施进行总结,为患者提供参考。 Tooth defects are common in daily life. Some are not severe, only loss of hard tissues of the teeth due to pure mechanical friction, which is mainly a kind of tooth wear. Some patients have fractured teeth or missing entire teeth for illness or external force, which affects daily diet of patients, and oral beauty and health. The author summarizes symptoms and corrective measures of tooth defect, to provide reference for patients.
作者 王思韵 WANG Si-yun(Jingchu University of Technology,Jingmen,Hubei,480000)
机构地区 荆楚理工学院
出处 《智慧健康》 2020年第27期28-29,共2页 Smart Healthcare
关键词 牙缺损 口腔 矫正 Tooth defect Oral cavity Correction
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