
基于用户关系的在线问答平台用户重要性评估方法 被引量:1

User Importance Evaluation for Q&A Platform Based on User Relations
摘要 在线问答平台日益成为互联网用户知识获取的重要途径,随着其用户数量的迅速增长,平台中重要用户的识别难度逐渐增大,用户提出的大量问题也得不到有效回答,严重影响了在线问答平台的用户体验。针对上述问题,将在线问答平台中用户提出问题和回答问题看作一种社交网络行为,并且根据这些行为构建用户关系网络,在此基础上提出了一种基于用户关系网络的用户重要性评估方法,用来识别平台中的重要用户。通过对Stack Overflow数据集的实验分析表明,该方法得出的用户重要性排名与在线问答平台中的实际情况相符合,生成排名结果相对稳定,通过用户重要性排序结果对问题进行推荐可以提高问题回答效率。应用该用户重要性评估方法,设计和开发了一个在线问答平台,案例分析表明该方法能够识别出在线问答平台中的重要用户,可以增强用户知识获取的体验。 Q&A has increasingly become an important platform of acquiring knowledge for WWW users.As the number of the users rapidly increases,the identification of the important users becomes more and more difficult,and more and more questions cannot be answered in Q&A platforms.Thus it seriously affects the user experience.Aiming to solve this problem,we regard the questions and answers of users in the Q&A platform as a kind of social network behavior,and build a user relationship network based on these behaviors.On this basis,we present an evaluation of user importance ranking based on the user relationship network,and further identify the important users of the platforms.Experimental studies based on data set of Stack Overflow show that,the results produced by the user important ranking is consistent with the actual ranking lists,and the produced ranking results are relatively stable.Furthermore,the ranking results can be used for improving the question recommendation.Applying the user importance ranking measurement,we designed and developed a Q&A platform.Empirical studies show that this ranking method can identify the important users from Q&A platform,and improve the user experience of knowledge acquirement.
作者 李霄 曲阳 李辉 郭世凯 LI Xiao;QU Yang;LI Hui;GUO Shi-kai(Information Science and Technology College,Dalian Maritime University,Dalian,Liaoning 116026,China)
出处 《计算机科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2020年第S02期430-436,448,共8页 Computer Science
基金 国家自然科学基金(61602077,61902050) 中国博士后科学基金(2020M670736) 中央高校基本科研业务费项目(3132019355) 下一代互联网技术创新项目(NGII20181205,NGII20190627)。
关键词 在线问答平台 社交网络 用户重要性排序 问题推荐 Q&A platform Social network User importance ranking Question recommendation
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