目的回顾性分析2019年东莞地区献血不良反应的特征及相关影响因素,为减少献血不良反应的发生提供依据。方法调查2019年东莞地区无偿献血不良反应记录,统计献血不良反应的相关数据,分别从献血类型、性别、献血史、反应类型、反应诱因等因素比较发生不良反应的情况。结果 88 998例献血者中共有647例出现献血不良反应,占0.73%(647/88 998);捐献全血的不良反应率为0.75%(627/83 994),捐献血小板的不良反应率为0.40%(20/5 004);男性献血人群中不良反应率为0.71%(413/58 341),女性献血人群中不良反应率为0.76%(234/30 657);献血不良反应在不同年龄组的发生率分别是,18—25岁占1.30%(321/24 754),26—35岁占0.74%(209/28 075),36—45岁占0.32%(85/26 209),45—55岁占0.32%(31/9 782),55岁以上占0.56%(1/178),在发生不良反应的献血人群中初次献血占77.59%(502/647),重复献血占22.41%(145/647),团体献血占68.16%(441/647),个人献血占31.84%(206/647),其中高校献血占30.91%(200/647);在反应类型中头晕占93.04%(602/647),出冷汗占2.63%(17/647),恶心呕吐占1.39%(9/647),轻度晕厥占1.85%(12/647),肌肉痉挛或抽搐占1.08%(7/647);在反应诱因中精神紧张占68.93%(446/647),空腹占7.26%(47/647),劳累占4.95%(32/647),睡眠不足占7.73%(50/647),其他占0.11%(72/647)。结论 2019年东莞地区献血不良反应以全身表现为主,主要由精神紧张、睡眠不足、空腹以及劳累造成。不良反应的发生与性别无关,与献血类型及年龄有相关性,初次献血比重复献血、团体献血比个人献血以及捐献全血比捐献血小板更容易发生不良反应。
Objective To retrospectively analyze the characteristics and related risk factors of adverse reactions to blood donation(ARBD) in Dongguan area in 2019, so as to provide evidences for reducing the occurrence of ARBD. Methods Records and data regarding ARBD in Dongguan area throughout 2019 were reviewed and compared in terms of whole blood/apheresis donor, gender, blood donation history, ARBD type and cause of ARBD. Results 647 out of 88 998(0.73%) donors experienced ARBD, while the incidence of.ARBD in whole blood donors and apheresis donors was 0.75%(627/83 994) and 0.40%(20/5 004), and that in male and female donors was 0.71%(413/58 341) and 0.76%(234/30 657). The incidence of ARBD in donors in different age groups as 18 to 25, 26 to 35, 35 to 45, 45 to 55, and >55 group were 1.30%(321/24 754), 0.74%(209/28 075), 0.32%(85/26 209), 0.32%(31/9 782)and 0.56%(1/178),respectively. Out of the 647 ARBD cases, first-time donors accounted for 77.59%(502/647), repeat donors for 22.41%(145/647), group donation for 68.16%(441/647),individual donors for 31.84%(206/647), and college donors for 30.91%(200/647). As to the 647 donors experienced ARBD, 93.04%(602/647) of them complained for dizziness,2.63%(17/647) for cold sweating, 1.39%(9/647) for nausea and vomiting, 1.85%(12/647) for fainting, and 1.08%(7/647) for muscle spasm or convulsion. 68.93%(446/647) of ARBD were caused by anxiety, 7.26%(47/647) by empty stomach, 4.95%(32/647) by fatigue, 7.73%(50/647) by lack of sleep and 0.11%(72/647) by other reasons.Conclusion The ARBD in Dongguan area in 2019 were mainly vasovagal reactions of mild intensity, caused by anxiety, lack of sleep, fasting and fatigue. The occurrence of ARBD was related to age and type of blood donation(whole blood or apheresis donation) regardless of gender difference. First-time donors, group donors and whole blood donors are more likely to develop ARBD than repeat donors, individual donors and apheresis donors.
YE Zhujiang;QIN Yanlan;YAO Junqing;Lei Yang(Dongguan Central Blood Station,Dongguan 523930,China)
Chinese Journal of Blood Transfusion
blood donation
adverse reaction
retrospective analysis