

Research advances in local anesthesia for pain control in pediatric dentistry
摘要 儿童口腔疾病治疗中,患儿的配合度与疼痛控制密切相关,局部麻醉是疼痛控制最常用的方法之一。局部麻醉药物的合理选择、麻醉剂量的准确评估、针对不同类型患儿个性化麻醉方案的制定等为儿童口腔疾病治疗提供了保障。安全有效的局部麻醉既有利于提高治疗质量和远期疗效,又能让患儿获得舒适的就诊体验,有助于其建立积极的口腔保健态度。文章对儿童口腔局部麻醉控制疼痛的研究进展做一综述。 In pediatric dental treatment,the treatment adherence is closely related to pain control.Local anesthesia is one of the effective methods to control pain.The reasonable selection of local anesthetic drugs,the accurate assessment of anesthetic dose,and personalized anesthesia treatment plan can provide guarantee for the dental treatment in children.Safe and effective local anesthesia can not only improve treatment quality and long-term result,but also provide comfortable experience which may be conducive to help the children set up an active oral health attitude.This review aims to discuss the research advances in local anesthesia for pain control in pediatric dentistry.
作者 陈鹏莉 朱姝 陈旭 CHEN Peng-li;ZHU Shu;CHEN Xu(Department of Pediatric Dentistry,School and Hospital of Siomatology,China Medical Unirersily,Liconing Prorincial Key Laboratory of Oral Disease,Shenyang 110002,China)
出处 《中国实用口腔科杂志》 CAS 2020年第10期629-633,共5页 Chinese Journal of Practical Stomatology
关键词 疼痛控制 局部麻醉 儿童口腔医学 pain control local anesthesia pediatric dentistry
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