
中国乡村振兴发展的现状诊断与空间分异格局——地级市尺度的实证 被引量:20

Current Diagnosis and Spatial Pattern of China′s Rural Revitalization——An Empirical Study on the Scale of Prefecture-Level Cities
摘要 以331个地级行政区为研究对象,采用多因素综合评价法、K-means均值聚类分析、GIS空间分析等研究方法,构建乡村振兴发展的评价指标体系,测度乡村振兴发展的指数,描述乡村振兴发展的现状水平,进而揭示乡村振兴发展的空间分异格局。结果表明:(1)乡村振兴发展的空间分异格局很好地反映了东、中、西、北部的经济社会发展不均衡现状,我国乡村振兴发展的着力点应放在中部、西部和北部地区。(2)耕地面积通过影响粮食生产能力而间接地作用于乡村振兴,村庄垃圾有效处理率和森林覆盖率通过影响人居环境进而作用乡村振兴的生态宜居指数。(3)多数地级行政区的恩格尔系数达到富裕水平,少数地级行政区的恩格尔系数偏高,反映地区之间在恩格尔系数方面差别较大。(4)农村居民可支配收入和城乡居民收入比表征的城乡发展差距普遍较大,而城乡差距过大会直接影响城乡融合发展。(5)乡村振兴发展的空间分异格局体现了与胡焕庸线、胡焕庸亚线在经济、人口和资本等方面的分布格局上的一致性特征。 Taking 331 prefecture-level administrative districts as the research object,using multi-factor comprehensive evaluation method,K-means mean cluster analysis,GIS spatial analysis and other research methods,this study constructed an evaluation index system for rural revitalization and development,measured the development of rural revitalization,described the current level of rural re⁃vitalization and development,and then revealed the spatial differentiation pattern of rural revitalization and development.The results show that:(1)The spatial differentiation pattern of rural revitalization and development is a good reflection of the imbalanced economic and social development in the eastern,central,western and northern regions.The focus of China′s rural revitalization and development should be on the central,western and northern regions.(2)The area of effective cultivated land indirectly affects rural revitalization by affecting the food production capacity,and the effective village garbage disposal rate and forest coverage rate affect the regional human settlement environment,which in turn contributes to the ecological resilience index of rural revitalization.(3)The Engel′s Coefficient of most prefecture-level administrative regions has reached the level of affluence,while the Engel′s Coefficient of a few prefecture-lev⁃el administrative regions is relatively high,reflecting that the Engel′s Coefficient differs greatly between regions.(4)The urban-rural development gap characterized by the ratio of disposable income of rural residents and the income of urban and rural residents is gener⁃ally large,and the large urban-rural gap can directly affect the development of urban and rural integration.(5)The spatial differentia⁃tion pattern of regional rural revitalization and development reflects the consistency of the distribution pattern of economy,population and capital with Hu Huanyong line and Hu Huanyong subline.
作者 吴九兴 黄贤金 WU Jiuxing;HUANG Xianjin(School of Government,Nanjing University,Nanjing 210023,China;School of Geography and Ocean Science,Nanjing University,Nanjing 210023,China)
出处 《经济与管理》 CSSCI 2020年第6期48-54,共7页 Economy and Management
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目(17ZDA061)。
关键词 乡村振兴 农村发展 空间格局 振兴指数 城乡融合 rural revitalization rural development spatial pattern revitalization index urban and rural integration
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