
广东南山森林公园不同林分松墨天牛诱捕量差异研究 被引量:2

Analysis of Trapping Results of Monochamus alternatus in Guangdong Nanshan Forest Park
摘要 在广东南山森林公园不同林分中布设松墨天牛Monochamus alternatus诱捕器,分析不同林分中诱捕器的诱捕效果,结果表明:2019年每月都诱捕到松墨天牛成虫,全年总诱虫量为8439头。从4月开始诱捕数量急剧增加,在4—6月份成虫达到诱捕量最多,7月开始,除9月略有上升外,诱捕数量整体呈下降趋势,6月和9月为两个诱捕高峰期。不同林分中诱捕器诱捕到的松墨天牛数量存在一定的差异。1、2、6、7、8、11和12月各个林分间诱捕到的松墨天牛成虫数不存在显著性差异(P>0.05)。3月,在针阔混交林诱捕到的松墨天牛成虫数显著高于其它林分的诱捕数(P<0.05)。4月,除针阔混交林诱捕数显著高于竹子马尾松Pinus massoniana林诱捕数外(P<0.05),其它林分间诱捕数无显著性差异(P>0.05)。5月和10月,除马尾松纯林诱捕数显著高于竹子马尾松林诱捕数外(P<0.05),其它林分间诱捕数无显著性差异(P>0.05)。9月,针阔混交林诱捕数显著高于竹子马尾松林、相思湿地松林和湿地松P.elliottii纯林的诱捕数(P<0.05),与马尾松纯林和阔叶混交林诱捕数差异不显著(P>0.05)。因此在天牛成虫活动高峰期多挂设诱捕器诱捕松墨天牛成虫,可以起到较好的诱捕效果,并且应该根据不同林分、林分因子设置监测点,进行松墨天牛种群动态监测,科学地指导广东南山森林公园松墨天牛的综合防治。 In order to analyze Monochamus alternatus trapping effects in different forest stands,the traps were set up in different forest stands in Guangdong Nanshan forest park.The results showed that adult M.alternatus were caught every month in 2019,with a total of 8439.The amount of attracting M.alternatus increased sharply from April,higher values were obtained in May and June.Since July,except for a slight increase in September,the amount of attracting M.alternatus has been on the decline.Two peaks of trapping were June and September.There were some differences in the number of trapped M.alternatus in different forest stands.There was no significant difference in the number of trapped adult M.alternatus in each forest stand in January,February,June,July,August,November and December(P>0.05).In March,the number of trapped adult M.alternatus in the mixed coniferous and broadleaf forest was significantly higher than that in other stands(P<0.05).In April,except that the number of trapped adult M.alternatus in mixed coniferous and broadleaf forest was significantly higher than that in mixed forest of bamboo and Pinus massoniana(P<0.05),there was no significant difference in other forest stands(P>0.05).In May and October,except that the number of trapped adult M.alternatus in P.massoniana forest was significantly higher than that in mixed forest of bamboo and P.massoniana(P<0.05),there was no significant difference in other forest stands(P>0.05).In September,the number of trapped adult M.alternatus in mixed coniferous and broadleaf forest was significantly higher than that in mixed forest of bamboo and P.massoniana,mixed forest of Acacia rachii and Pinus elliottii and the forest of P.elliottii(P<0.05),and there was no significant difference with that in P.massoniana forest and broad-leaved mingled forest(P>0.05).Therefore,in the peak of adult beetles activity,more traps should be set,which can play a better trapping effect.Monitoring points should be set according to different stand types and factors,to carry out population dynamic monitoring,and scientifically guide the comprehensive prevention and control of M.alternatus in Guangdong Nanshan forest park.
作者 张毅龙 杨敏仪 吴康生 练启岳 肖辉 ZHANG Yilong;YANG Minyi;WU Kangsheng;LIAN Qiyue;XIAO Hui(Yunfu Forestry Science and Technology Promotion Center,Yunfu,Guangdong 527300,China;Yunfu No.1 Middle School,Yunfu,Guangdong 527300,China;Guangdong ShuangMuLin Technology Co.Ltd,,Yunfu,Guangdong 527300,China)
出处 《林业与环境科学》 2020年第5期59-63,共5页 Forestry and Environmental Science
基金 2018年第二批广东省级乡村战略专项资金(森林资源培育及管护)(云财农[2018]76号)。
关键词 松墨天牛 松材线虫 诱捕 林分 Monochamus alternatus Bursaphelenchus xylophilus trapping forest stand
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