
添加外源碳调节植烟土壤氮素供应降低上部烟叶烟碱含量的研究 被引量:4

Regulating the nitrogen supply of tobacco planting soil through adding exogenous organic carbon to reduce the nicotine content in upper tobacco leaves
摘要 【目的】我国烤烟上部烟叶仍存在因烟碱含量较高而影响其品质的问题。向土壤中添加有效碳源可刺激微生物同化作用,进而能够调控土壤中有效氮含量。因此,本研究尝试利用外源碳降低烤烟上部叶全氮和烟碱含量。【方法】设置盆栽试验,烤烟品种为NC55,供试外源碳为葡萄糖(G)和木屑(S)。试验设9个处理:在烤烟移栽后第90天,分别向植烟土壤中添加葡萄糖C 2000 mg/kg(G2)、5000 mg/kg(G5);在移栽后第90和120天依次添加葡萄糖C 2000 mg/kg和10000 mg/kg(G2+G10),和依次添加葡萄糖C 5000 mg/kg和10000 mg/kg(G5+G10);在移栽后第90天分别添加木屑C 2000 mg/kg(S2)和5000 mg/kg(S5);在移栽后第90和120天依次添加木屑C 2000 mg/kg和葡萄糖C 10000 mg/kg(S2+G10),和依次添加木屑C 5000 mg/kg和葡萄糖C 10000 mg/kg处理(S5+G10);对照(CK)为常规施肥处理,在移栽后不添加外源碳。比较不同处理土壤氮素水平、烟叶全氮和烟碱含量。【结果】烤烟生长后期添加外源碳可明显降低植烟土壤氮素供应,降低幅度随外源碳添加量的增加而增大,添加二次比添加一次效果更明显,葡萄糖和木屑配合添加较单纯添加葡萄糖更有效。添加二次可降低上部叶的烟碱和全氮含量分别达0.62~1.40个百分点和0.71~1.22个百分点,比添加一次效果更为明显。【结论】烤烟生长后期在土壤中分别添加一定量的葡萄糖和木屑,能有效调节土壤碳氮比,抑制烤烟吸收过量的氮素,进而降低烤烟上部叶烟碱和全氮含量,提高烟叶品质。 【Objectives】The quality of flue-cured tobacco is still affected by its high nicotine content.Adding available carbon sources to soil can stimulate microbial assimilation and thus regulate the available nitrogen content in soil.Therefore,this study tried to use exogenous carbon to reduce the content of total nitrogen and nicotine in upper leaves of flue-cured tobacco.【Methods】Variety NC55 was used as the test material,a pot experiment was carried out,exogenous carbon was added to soil on the 90th day and 120th day after the transplantation of flue-cured tobacco.According to the type,rate and time of the exogenous carbon,in total 9 treatments were set up.In G2,C 2000 mg/kg glucose was added on 90th day after transplanting(carbon content,the same below);in G5,C 5000 mg/kg glucose was added on 90th day after transplanting;in G2+G10,C 2000 mg/kg and 10000 mg/kg glucose were added on 90th day and 120th day after transplanting,respectively;in G5+G10,C 5000 mg/kg and 10000 mg/kg glucose were added on 90th day and 120th day after transplanting,respectively;in S2,C 2000 mg/kg sawdust was added on 90th day after transplanting(carbon content,the same below);in S5,C 5000 mg/kg sawdust was added on 90th day after transplanting;in S2+G10,C 2000 mg/kg sawdust and 10000 mg/kg glucose were added on 90th day and 120th day after transplanting,respectively;in S5+G10,C 5000 mg/kg sawdust and 10000 mg/kg glucose were added on 90t h day and 120t h day after transplanting,respectively;and control(CK)was conventional fertilization treatment without exogenous carbon adding after transplanting.Soil nitrogen contents,total nitrogen and nicotine contents the upper leaves of fluecured tobacco were measured and compared among different treatments.【Results】Applying exogenous carbon significantly reduced nitrogen supply of tobacco-planting soil.The content of mineral nitrogen content in soil decreased with the increase of the rate of exogenous carbon,and the effect was more obvious for applying twice than applying once,the jointly applying of glucose and sawdust was better than singly applying glucose.Applying exogenous carbon twice reduced nicotine and total nitrogen contents in upper leaves of flue-cured tobacco by 0.62-1.40 and 0.71-1.22 percentage points,respectively,which was more significant than applying once.【Conclusions】Adding a certain amount of glucose and sawdust respectively in the late-growth stage of flue-cured tobacco has been proved to be efficient in reducing nicotine and total nitrogen contents in the upper leaves of flue-cured tobacco.The reason is the increased C/N ratio limits the nitrogen uptake by tobacco.
作者 李青山 刘明宏 杜传印 韩小斌 漆夏燕 万军 杨坚 管恩森 王德权 王慎强 LI Qing-shan;LIU Ming-hong;DU Chuan-yin;HAN Xiao-bin;QI Xia-yan;WAN Jun;YANG Jian;GUAN En-sen;WANG De-quan;WANG Shen-qiang(Institute of Soil Science,Chinese Academy of Sciences/State Key Laboratory of Soil and Sustainable Agriculture,Nanjing 210008,China;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049,China;Zunyi Branch Company of Guizhou Tobacco Company,Zunyi 563000,China;Shandong Weifang Tobacco Co.,Ltd.,Weifang,Shandong 261205,China;Wuchuan Branch in Zunyi,Guizhou Tobacco Company,Zunyi 564300,China)
出处 《植物营养与肥料学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第10期1838-1846,共9页 Journal of Plant Nutrition and Fertilizers
基金 中国烟草总公司贵州省公司项目(201506) 山东潍坊烟草有限公司科技项目(2019-44)。
关键词 植烟土壤 外源碳 氮素供应 全氮 烟碱 SPAD tobacco-planting soil exogenous carbon nitrogen supply nicotine total nitrogen SPAD
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