
一种基于TrustZone架构的主动可信度量机制设计 被引量:1

Design Of An Active Measurement Mechanism Based On The TrustZoneArchitecture
摘要 为了保证安全关键的操作系统运行过程以及其运行结果是可信、可预期的,基于ARMTrustZone架构设计出一种主动可信度量机制,描述了在双世界架构下操作系统如何实施安全世界和非安全世界的可信度量交互,对操作系统整个运行周期中的度量对象做了梳理,并分别给出了系统引导时和运行时针对不同度量对象的度量策略。使得处于安全世界可信环境中的系统可主动的对非安全世界中的系统进行度量,及时发现问题,确保了操作系统以及运行其上的应用代码和数据的完整性,进一步保证了操作系统的安全性。 In order to guarantee security critical operating system’s operation and it’s running result is credible and predictable,based on ARM TrustZone architecture design an active trusted measurement mechanism,describes the operating system how to carry out trusted measurement interaction between secure world and unsecure world.Made a comb on the operating system of the wholeoperational cycle,and gives the different measurement strategy on different measure object in system boot time and runningtime.Makes the system in the secure world can take the initiative to measure the systemin unsecure world,find problems in time,ensure the integrity of the conde and data of the system and application which lie on it.Further ensure the security of the operating system.
作者 尹超 周霆 黄凡帆 Yin Chao;ZhouTing;Huang Fanfan(Xi'an Aeronautics Computing Technique Research Institute,AVIC,Xi'an710065,China)
机构地区 航空工业计算所
出处 《信息通信》 2020年第9期16-19,共4页 Information & Communications
基金 装备预研联合基金项目资助(6141B05060401)。
关键词 信息安全 TRUSTZONE 可信度量 度量策略 security TrustZone trusted measurement measurementstrategy
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