

On the Historical Connotations of the Long Volume of Written Questions and Answers between Sun Yiyan and Vietnamese Diplomat
摘要 孙氏家藏文献中的《太仆公与安南行人笔谈问答长卷》,是关于孙衣言与越南贡使裴文禩笔谈活动的珍贵史料。从笔谈的内容看,其主要为孙衣言评点裴文禩等人的诗作,与裴文禩等人就诗歌创作进行交流,询问越南的诗集刊刻以及科举制度、职官制度等方面的情况。此外,孙衣言还与裴文禩等人进行诗文唱酬。这些事例说明,在清朝朝贡体系之下,与周边地区之间的交往期间所开展的诗文唱和、互赠文集、题字等活动,成为两国或多国之间进行文化交流和塑造文化认同的重要手段。这是东亚社会建构国际秩序的重要内容。然而,此时东亚国际格局已发生了较大的转变,朝贡体系已趋于瓦解,故孙衣言与裴文禩等人的会面酬唱凸显出了强烈的现实针对。 The Long Volume of Written Questions and Answers between Sun Yiyan and Vietnamese Diplomat collected by the present Sun family is the precious historical data of the written talks between Sun Yiyan and the Vietnamese diplomat Pei Wensi.In terms of the content of the talks,Sun Yiyan mainly commented on the poems of Pei Wensi and others,exchanged views on poetry creation with Pei,and inquired about the publication of poetry anthology,the imperial examination system and the official system in Vietnam.In addition,Sun also exchanged poems with Pei and others.This content shows that under the tributary system of the Qing Dynasty,such activities as poetry singing,exchanges of collected works as gifts,inscriptions,etc.during the communication with surrounding areas became an important means of cultural exchange and cultural identity shaping between two countries or countries,which is an important content of building an international order in East Asia.However,at that time,the international pattern of East Asia had changed greatly,and the tribute system was about to collapse.The meeting and exchange of poems between Sun Yiyan and Pei Wensi have strong practical relevance.
作者 张侃 ZHANG Kan(Department of History,Xiamen University,Xiamen,China 361005)
机构地区 厦门大学历史系
出处 《温州大学学报(社会科学版)》 2020年第6期10-18,共9页 Journal of Wenzhou University:Social Science Edition
基金 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目(13JJD770024)。
关键词 孙衣言 越南贡使 笔谈 历史内涵 Sun Yiyan Vietnamese Diplomat Written Talks Historical Connotation
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