

On the“Breaking”and“Establishing”of Legal Person Works
摘要 与大陆法系注重保护著作权人的人格利益不同,英美法系更加重视资本的投入,采用法律拟制的方法将雇主视为作者,并由其原始取得版权。法人作品实系继受英美版权法理念的产物,亦采法人视为作者的规则。因法人意志实系不确定之法律概念,故会产生其与特殊职务作品,甚至委托作品区分上的困难。无论是限缩解释法人意志,抑或依照宽泛的文义解释法人意志,都难谓合理的解决方案。因我国继受大陆法系,坚持著作权二元论,故删除法人作品,将其融入到职务作品中,应系合乎体系的做法。应将公务作品纳入到特殊职务作品项下,并为其设立特殊的制度规则。出于刺激创作者创作激情的目的,应赋予实际创作者以“获取奖励权”,以维系双方的利益平衡。 Unlike the civil law system that insists on the“copyright dualism”and focuses on protecting the personal interests of copyright holders,the common law system pays more attention to capital investment and adopts legal fictional methods to treat the employer as the author and obtain the copyright from the original.Legal person works are actually products that have inherited the concepts of British and American copyright laws,and also adopt the rule of“legal person as author”.Because“the will of a legal person”is actually an uncertain legal concept,it will be difficult to distinguish it from works for special jobs or even commissioned works.Whether it is a“restricted interpretation”of the will of the legal person,or the interpretation of the will of the legal person in a broad context,it is hardly a reasonable solution.Since my country has inherited the civil law system and adheres to the“copyright dualism”,the deletion of legal person works and incorporating them into service works should be in line with system practices.“Official works”should be included under the special duty works,and special system rules should be established for it.Out of respect for the intellectual work of the creators and to stimulate the creative passion of the creators,the actual creators should be given the“right to obtain rewards”in order to achieve the goal of balancing the interests of both parties.
作者 刘昶 Liu Chang(School of Law,Zhongnan University of Economics and Law,Wuhan 430073,China)
出处 《中南财经政法大学研究生学报》 2020年第5期100-106,共7页 Journal of the Postgraduate of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law
关键词 法人作品 特殊职务作品 法人意志 公务作品 Legal Person Works Special Job Works Legal Person Will Official Works
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