In recent years,the supply side reform of China's TV series continues to deepen,and the production companies try to win the initiative of self-help and breakthrough by improving the quality of content creation.Innovation has become the main keynote of pursuing high-quality development in many gift films.Urban theme drama focuses on the daily joys and sorrows of family life by small events,small characters and small points of view.It digs out a warm emotional background from the seemingly conventional plot,and profoundly touches the pain points of daily life.The production of online drama is becoming increasingly cinematic and industrialized,forming a high concept production mode and creative pursuit of"high standard,high specification,high investment,big scene and all stars".The relationship between network and station has been reconstructed to a certain extent,and the traditional broadcast mode of"first station and then network"gradually gives way to the simultaneous broadcast of network station and even the network background.The creation of Chinese TV plays is transformed from the quantity growth since industrialization to the high quality growth in the new era.
Future Communication