Network Security Technology & Application
1朱玉娜,韩继红,袁霖,陈韩托,范钰丹.SPFPA:一种面向未知安全协议的格式解析方法[J].计算机研究与发展,2015,52(10):2200-2211. 被引量:15
2朱玉娜,韩继红,袁霖,谷文,范钰丹.基于熵估计的安全协议密文域识别方法[J].电子与信息学报,2016,38(8):1865-1871. 被引量:5
1赵咏,姚秋林,张志斌,郭莉,方滨兴.TPCAD:一种文本类多协议特征自动发现方法[J].通信学报,2009,30(S1):28-35. 被引量:10
2Caballero J, Yin H, Liang Zhenkai, et al. Polyglot: Automatic extraction of protocol message format using dynamic binary analysis [C]//Proc of the 14th ACM Conf on Computer and Communications Security. New York: ACM, 2007:317-329.
3Cui Weidong, Peinado M, Chen K, et al. Tupni: Automatic reverse engineering of input formats [C] //Proc of the 15th ACM Conl on Computer and Communications Security. New York: ACM, 2008: 391-402.
4Comparetti P M, Wondracek G, Kruegel C,et al. Prospex: Protocol specification extraction [C] //Proc of the 30th IEEE Syrup on Security and Privacy. Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE Computer Society, 2009:110-125.
5Wang Zhi, Jiang Xuxian, Cui Weidong, et al. ReFormat: Automatic reverse engineering of encrypted messages [C] // Proc of the 4th European Syrup on Research in Computer Security. Berlin.. Springer, 2009; 200-215.
6Caballero J, Poosankam P, Kreibich C, et al. Dispatcher: Enabling active botnet infiltration using automatic protocol reverse-engineering [C] //Proc of the 16th ACM Conf on Computer and Communications Security. New York: ACM, 2009:621-634.
7Caballero J, Song D. Automatic protocol reverse-engineering : Message format extraction and field semantics inference [J]. Computer Network, 2013, 57(2): 451-474.
8Byung-Chul P, Won Y J, Mynng-Sup K, et al. Towards automated application signature generation for traffic identification [C] //Proc of the Network Operations and Management Symp. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, 2008:160-167.
9Ye Mingjiang, Xu Ke, Wu Jianping, et al. AutoSig- automatically generating signatures for applications [C] // Proc of the 9th IEEE Int Conf on Computer and Information Technology. Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE Computer Society, 2009 : 104-109.
10Wang Yu, Xiang Yang, Zhou Wanlei, et al. Generating regular expression signatures for network traffic classification in trusted network management [J]. Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 2012, 35(2): 992-1000.
2朱玉娜,韩继红,袁霖,范钰丹,陈韩托,谷文.面向密码协议在线安全性的监测方法[J].通信学报,2016,37(6):75-85. 被引量:2
3薛开平,柳彬,王劲松,李威,薛颖杰.面向链路比特流的未知帧关联分析[J].电子与信息学报,2017,39(2):374-380. 被引量:10
4李阳,李青,张霞.基于离散序列报文的协议格式特征自动提取算法[J].计算机应用,2017,37(4):954-959. 被引量:9
5孟博,鲁金钿,王德军,何旭东.安全协议实施安全性分析综述[J].山东大学学报(理学版),2018,53(1):1-18. 被引量:4
6刘国城.基于大数据的互联网安全审计过程建模研究[J].兰州学刊,2018,0(3):92-103. 被引量:6
7薛开平,柳彬,李威,洪佩琳.一种面向未知链路帧的格式特征提取与分类算法[J].中国科学院大学学报(中英文),2018,35(4):521-528. 被引量:1
8李阳,李青,张霞.基于离散序列报文的协议格式特征可变域挖掘算法[J].信息工程大学学报,2018,19(1):30-38. 被引量:1
9李阳,李青,张霞.基于离散序列报文的轮廓格式特征提取方法[J].信息工程大学学报,2018,19(2):134-139. 被引量:2
10韩景灵,李艳.基于SET协议的安全电子商务支付改进模型[J].现代电子技术,2019,42(6):65-68. 被引量:2