
2011-2019年广东省输入性疟疾疫情分析 被引量:10

Analysis on the epidemic situation of imported malaria in Guangdong Province from 2011 to 2019
摘要 目的分析广东省输入性疟疾疫情态势,为维持广东省消除疟疾状态制订有效的防控策略。方法收集广东省2011-2019年疟疾监测数据进行回顾性描述。结果2011-2019年广东共报告输入性疟疾病例1524例,其中恶性疟占75.26%(1147/1524)、间日疟占14.30%(218/1524)、三日疟占5.91%(90/1524)、卵形疟占1.97%(30/1524),混合疟10例、诺氏疟1例和未分型28例。全省19个地市有病例报告,报告发病数前三位的地市为广州(51.84%,790/1524)、深圳(19.49%,297/1524)、佛山(5.64%,86/1524),三个地市报告数占全省病例数的76.97%(1173/1524)。病例主要来源于非洲、东南亚等国家,输入病例排在前三位的分别为尼日利亚(20.47%,312/1524)、加纳(8.27%,126/1524)和喀麦隆(6.50%,99/1524)。病例男女性别比为7.51∶1;发病人群主要为20~49岁的男性(76.25%,1162/1524)。病例从事职业前三位的为商业服务(25.98%,396/1524)、劳务输出工人(24.54%,374/1524)和家务及待业(9.38%,143/1524),共占总病例数的59.91%(913/1524)。全省报告外籍病例287例,主要来自非洲(90.24%,259/287),其中尼日利亚籍占16.38%(47/287)、安哥拉籍占6.97%(20/287)、喀麦隆籍占6.62%(19/287);报告虫种前三位为恶性疟(85.71%,246/287)、间日疟(10.10%,29/287)和三日疟(1.74%,5/287)。共报告15例死亡病例,无输入继发疟疾病例发生。结论广东省的疟疾防控措施是敏感有效的,输入性疟疾是目前乃至今后疟疾防控的主要威胁,需适当调整防控策略,继续加强监测和治疗。 Objective To analyze the epidemic situation of imported malaria in Guangdong Province for ensuring long-term effect of the prevention and control strategies in our province. Methods Surveillance data of malaria w ere obtained and review ed in Guangdong from 2011 to 2019. Results T otally,1 524 imported malaria cases,including 1 147( 75. 26%)of falciparum malaria,218( 14. 30%) vivax malaria,90( 5. 91%) quartan malaria,30( 1. 97%) O vale malaria,10( 0. 66%) mixed malaria,1( 0. 07%) plasmodium knowless,and 28( 1. 84%) unclassified,were reported from 2011 to2019 in Guangdong. 76. 97%( 1 173/1 524) of the cases w ere scattered in 19 cities,and ranked top three by Guangzhou( 790 cases,51. 84%),Shenzhen( 297 cases,19. 49%) and Foshan( 86 cases,5. 64%). The imported cases were primarily from Africa and Southeast Asia,including 312 cases( 20. 47%) from N igeria,126( 8. 27%) from Ghana,and 99( 6. 50%) from Cameroon. The ratio of male/female was 7. 51 ∶ 1,and 76. 25% of the cases were at age of 20 to 49 years in man. T he infection w as prominent in personnels in business service( 25. 98%,396/1 524),export w orkers( 24. 54%,374/1 524),and housew ifes or unemployed( 9. 38%,143/1 524),w hich accounted for 59. 91%( 913/1 524) of the total reported cases. O f the 287 foreign malaria cases reported,90. 24% w ere Africans,in w hom 16. 38%( 47/287) w ere N igerians,6. 97%( 20/287) Angolans,and 6. 62%( 19/287) C ameroonians. T he most infection w as associated w ith Plasmodium falciparum( 85. 71%,246/287),Plasmodium vivax( 10. 1%,29/287) and Plasmodium malariae( 1. 74%,5/287). T otally,15 deathes w ere reported,yet no secondary infection occurred in the imported cases. Conclusion At present,the measures of malaria prevention and control in Guangdong Province appear still sensitive and effective. N evertheless,imported cases have become the main threat in malaria control and prevention at present and in the future,w hich suggests that it is necessary to adjust the prevention and control strategies and continue to strengthen monitoring over the transmission and treatment of the patients.
作者 陈经雕 林荣幸 邓卓晖 潘波 裴福全 卢文成 廖宇煌 CHEN Jing-diao;LIN Rong-xing;DENG Zhuo-hui;PAN Bo;PEI Fu-quan;LU Wen-cheng;LIAO Yu-huang(Guangdong Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Guangzhou 511430,China)
出处 《热带病与寄生虫学》 2020年第4期197-201,共5页 Journal of Tropical Diseases and Parasitology
基金 广东省医学科学技术研究基金(B2020140)。
关键词 疟疾 输入性疟疾 防控策略 广东省 Malaria Imported cases Prevention and control strategy Guangdong Province
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