

Development and Validation of the Program for Non-linear Analysis of Flow-induced Vibration in Steam Generator Tubes
摘要 蒸汽发生器传热管在横向流流体冲刷下引起的振动和磨损是核电厂安全运行的一个关键问题。为了预测二次侧横向流流体作用下蒸汽发生器传热管的振动幅值和磨损情况,对适用于传热管与支撑结构之间存在微小间隙时的非线性分析方法进行研究。采用有限元方法和模态叠加法计算湍流力和流体弹性力作用下传热管的振动响应和平均磨损功率,并自主开发了蒸汽发生器传热管流致振动非线性分析程序。以某核电厂蒸汽发生器传热管为例,计算传热管在防振条和支撑板处存在间隙的情况下的振动响应和平均磨损功率,并与国外程序GERBOISE的计算结果进行比较。两者的计算结果趋势一致,误差在合理范围内。结果表明,自主开发的非线性分析程序与GERBOISE的计算结果吻合良好,能够准确预测在横向流流体作用下传热管的非线性振动响应,可以用于蒸汽发生器设计分析。 The vibration and wear of the steam generator tube caused by cross flow scour is a key problem to the safe operation of nuclear power plants.In order to predict the vibration amplitude and wear of the steam generator tube under secondary cross flow,the nonlinear analysis method suitable for the small gap between the tube and the support structure is studied.Turbulent forces and fluid-elastic forces induced by fluid-elastic instability was derived,then the vibration and wear of steam generator heat exchanger tubes in cross flows can be obtained used by finite element method and mode superposition theory.And a self-developed calculation program for flow-induced vibration nonlinear analysis of steam generator tube is introduced.Take the tubes of EPR nuclear power plant for example,the vibration response and mean wear work rate of the tubes with some gaps in anti-vibration bars or tube-support plates were calculated by independent procedure.Compared with the foreign professional software GERBOISE,the results match well with GERBOISE,and the error is within a reasonable range.The results show that the calculation results of the self-developed program and foreign specialized software GERBOISE are mostly identical,which proves that the self-developed program can accurately predict the vibration response of nonlinear of the heat transfer tube under cross flow,and it can be used to evaluate and predict the operating performance and safety of the steam generator and it can be used in the design and analysis of steam generator.
作者 周建秋 吕红 何世贤 ZHOU Jianqiu;LV Hong;HE Shixian(State Key Laboratory of Nuclear Power Safety Monitoring Technology and Equipment,China Nuclear Power Engineering Co.,Ltd,Shenzhen of Guangdong Prov.518172,China)
出处 《核科学与工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第5期896-903,共8页 Nuclear Science and Engineering
关键词 流致振动 非线性响应 碰撞-摩擦 蒸汽发生器 Flow-Induced Vibration Nonlinear Response Impact-friction Steam Generator
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