
广东省惠州市青少年网球赛事发展现状及对策研究 被引量:2

Research on the Current Situation and Countermeasures of Youth Tennis Events in Huizhou City of Guangdong
摘要 将惠州市青少年网球赛事发展现状这一主题进行实证和理论分析,目的为推进惠州市青少年网球运动的发展提供助力。本文通过文献资料法、问卷调查法、数理统计法、访谈法、逻辑分析法和实地考察法,研究分析惠州市青少年网球赛事发展现状的深层原因和诸多影响因素等。分析与结果:1、惠州市青少年网球赛事经过近几年发展和推进已经形成相对完善的宣传、组织、管理系统,年度参赛人数规模和赛事数量呈递增趋势发展。参赛者对竞赛组织和赛程安排较为满意。2、政府相关职能部门对青少年网球赛事关注和重视度不够,青少年网球赛事大多由地方网协主办,政府相关职能部门主办很少。惠州(县、区)区域之间青少年网球发展不平衡,能用于举办青少年网球赛事的场馆数量太少,比赛场馆硬件设备设施不完善。3、参赛者主要来自惠州各(县、区)中小学,男性人数比例约为女性4倍,普遍网球水平不高。4、经费主要来源于网协、俱乐部、报名费、文广体旅局以及社会赞助。各赛事经费投入相对偏少。5、教练、裁判队伍普遍学历偏低、大多数为年轻成员、工作年限不长。建议:从政府层面、社会层面、家庭层面对青少年网球赛事发展现状进行深入剖析提供建议。 This paper makes an empirical and theoretical analysis on the theme of the current situation of youth tennis events in Huizhou,with the purpose of providing assistance for the development of youth tennis in Huizhou.Through the methods of literature review,questionnaire survey,mathematical statistics,interview,logical analysis and on-the-spot investigation,this paper studies and analyzes the deep-seated reasons and many influencing factors of the development of the youth tennis events in Huizhou.Analysis and results:1.After the development and promotion in recent years,Huizhou youth tennis events have formed a relatively perfect publicity,organization and management system,and the number of annual participants and the number of events show an increasing trend.The participants are satisfied with the competition organization and schedule.2.The relevant functional departments of the government do not pay enough attention to the youth tennis events.Most of the youth tennis events are hosted by the local Tennis Association,but rarely by the relevant government departments.The development of youth tennis in Huizhou(county,district)is unbalanced,the number of venues that can be used to hold youth tennis events is too small,and the hardware facilities of competition venues are not perfect.3.The contestants mainly come from primary and secondary schools in Huizhou,and the proportion of male is about four times that of female.Generally,the tennis level is not high.4.The funds mainly come from the Internet association,clubs,registration fees,culture,broadcasting,sports and tourism bureau,as well as social sponsorship.The investment in each event is relatively small.5.Coaches and referees generally have low education background,most of them are young members,and their working years are not long.Suggestions:to make in-depth analysis of the current situation of youth tennis events from the government level,social level,and family level.
作者 杜远峰 尹建民 贾海霞 Du Yuanfeng;Yin Jianmin;Jia Haixia(Huizhou Engineering Vocational College,Huizhou 516000,Guangdong,China;不详)
出处 《体育科技文献通报》 2020年第12期99-102,共4页 Bulletin of Sport Science & Technology
关键词 惠州 青少年网球赛事 发展现状 对策研究 Huizhou youth tennis event development status countermeasure study
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