With the development of the economic globalization and the shipping market,the transportation via ships has become more and more popular,while the risks with ship transportation resulted from false declaration,omission and unreasonable stowage of dangerous goods has become more and more prominent.Based on the characteristics of the Python language,such as efficiency and user-orientation,combining with the GUI functions realized by the PyQt extension module and in view of the segregation requirement forms for different dangerous goods and the segregation method for the stowage of dangerous goods packages under normal form,the user can make inquiries into the common segregation requirements for two dangerous goods and obtain the stowage segregation sketches.It improves the efficiency of the inquiry and audit for the segregation requirements of dangerous goods,reduces the possibilities of potential dangers to safety and omission in inspection,and achieves flexibility,convenience and intelligence.
LUO Jia(Guangzhou Maritime College,Guangzhou,Guangdong 510725,China)
China Maritime Safety