
美国联邦行政执法公务员薪酬体系及启示 被引量:1

Salary System of American Federal Administrative Law Enforcement Civil Servants and Its Enlightenment
摘要 根据公务员分类改革的要求,需要制定适应公务员职位特点的薪酬体系,以实现精细化管理。与综合管理类和专业技术类公务员相比,行政执法类公务员执法任务重、执法环境复杂、工作风险高,亟待完善相关配套薪酬政策。美国联邦政府专门为行政执法类公务员制定了工资表,明确了比普通公务员更高的基本工资水平,并设计了多元的工资项目,取得了一定成效,同时也存在着机制僵化、缺乏弹性、与市场脱节的问题。美国管理实践得失说明,推进我国行政执法类公务员薪酬制度改革,应加强顶层设计,明确薪酬定位,丰富薪酬体系,体现职位特点,推进改革试点,加快实践部署。 According to the requirements of civil servant classified reform,it is necessary to formulate a salary system suitable for the characteristics of civil servants in order to realize fine management.Compared with comprehensive management and professional technical civil servants,administrative law enforcement civil servants have heavy law enforcement tasks,enforce laws under complex environment and have a high work risk,so it is urgent to improve the relevant supporting salary policies.The federal government of the United States has specially formulated a salary scale for administrative law enforcement civil servants,and it has clearly defined a higher basic wage level than ordinary civil servants,has designed diversified salary items,and has achieved certain results.At the same time,it also feces the problems of rigid mechanism,lack of flexibility and disconnection from the market.In order to promote the reform of the salaiy system of administrative law enforcement civil servants,we should strengthen the top-level design,clarify the salary positioning,enrich the salary system,reflect the characteristics of posts,promote the pilot reform and speed up the practical deployment.
作者 柴茂昌 童诗铭 刘卓珺 Chai Maochang;Tong Shiming;Liu Zhuojun
出处 《中国人事科学》 2020年第11期20-29,共10页 Chinese Personnel Science
关键词 公务员分类改革 行政执法类公务员 公务员薪酬 Civil servant classified reform Administrative law enforcement civil servants Civil servants'salary
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