

Analysis of Six-meridian Syndrome Differentiation of Hiccup Recorded in Treatise on Exogenous Febrile Diseases and Discussion on Treatment with Umbilical Needling
摘要 通过对《伤寒论》有关哕病的条文加以归类、分析,以六经为纲,整理其六经哕病之辨治规律。并结合易医脐针理论,根据六经辨治哕病具有病机分析层次清晰、脏腑归类明确的特点,阐释脐针治疗哕病的临床应用。认为哕病之实证,多见于阳明邪实内结,脐针疗法可采用"山泽通气"法(取"脐内八卦全息图"的艮位与兑位以达疏通之效)为主;哕病之虚证,多见于太阴脾土虚败,脐针疗法可取"健脾三针"(取"脐内八卦全息图"的震、离、坤位,或取巽、离、坤位以达健脾之效);少阳枢机不利作哕临床上亦较多见,脐针应用需注重"落脏"原则(确定应该归在"脐内八卦全息图"所对应的脏腑)。六经辨证与脐针相结合治疗哕病具有辨证清晰、治疗便捷的特点,并具有疗效明显、副作用少等优势。 The articles about hiccup recorded in Treatise on Exogenous Febrile Diseases were sorted and analyzed.Following the principles of six-meridian syndrome differentiation,we discussed the regularity of syndrome differentiation and treatment for hiccup.Meanwhile,we explored the clinical application of umbilical needling in the treatment of hiccup on the basis of fundamental theory of I-Ching after revealing that the pathogenesis of hiccup differentiated by six meridians had the characteristics of being clearly stratified and having zang-fu organ classification.It is suggested that hiccup with excess syndrome are usually characterized by internal blockage of excess pathogens in Yangming,and can be treated by umbilical needling Shanze Tongqi therapy by needling at Gen point and Dui point in the holodiagram of umbilical Bagua(eight diagrams)to dredge the meridians.For the hiccup with deficiency syndrome,insufficiency of Taiyin spleen is commonly seen,and the spleen-invigorating triple points of Zhen,Li,and Kun,or Xun,Li,and Kun in the holodiagram of umbilical Bagua(eight diagrams)can be used to invigorate the spleen.For the hiccup caused by Shaoyang failing in the function of a pivot,the key for performing the umbilical needle therapy should be the identification of zang-organs located in the holodiagram of umbilical Bagua(eight diagrams).Treatment of hiccup with umbilical needling based on sixmeridian syndrome differentiation has the advantages of clarified syndrome differentiation,practical treatment,significant efficacy,and less side effects.
作者 胡学军 陈璐 李颖文 齐永(指导) HU Xun-Jun;CHEN Lu;LI Ying-Wen;QI Yong(Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Guangzhou 510370 Guangdong,China)
机构地区 广东省中医院
出处 《广州中医药大学学报》 CAS 2020年第11期2241-2245,共5页 Journal of Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
基金 广州市荔湾区科技计划项目(编号:荔科工商信〔2017〕311号)。
关键词 《伤寒论》 哕病 六经辨证 脐针 脐内八卦全息图 Treatise on Exogenous Febrile Diseases hiccup six-meridian syndrome differentiation umbilical needling holodiagram of umbilical Bagua(eight diagrams)
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