
2002-2019年辽宁省锦州市甲型肝炎疫苗纳入免疫规划前后甲型肝炎的流行病学特征 被引量:6

Epidemiologic characteristics of hepatitis A before and after inclusion of hepatitis A vaccine into expanded program on immunization in Jinzhou, Liaoning, 2002–2019
摘要 目的分析2002—2019年辽宁省锦州市甲型肝炎(甲肝)的流行状况,了解甲肝疫苗纳入免疫规划前、后甲肝的流行特征,为制定有针对性的防控措施提供科学依据。方法采用描述性流行病学方法,对2002—2019年锦州市的甲肝疫情进行分析,比较甲肝疫苗纳入免疫规划前(2002—2007年)、后(2008—2019年)甲肝的流行病学特征变化。结果甲肝年平均发病率由纳入免疫规划前的6.24/10万下降至纳入免疫规划后的2.42/10万。纳入免疫规划前,县城的甲肝发病率总体高于市区。纳入免疫规划后,地区差异减小,除开发区、太和区外,各县(区)甲肝发病率呈下降趋势,差异均有统计学意义。甲肝病例年龄呈单峰分布,纳入免疫规划前、后发病高峰分别为30~、45~岁年龄组,略有后移趋势。0~和15~岁年龄组病例构成比显著下降,差异均有统计学意义。30~和60~岁年龄组病例构成比小幅上升,45~和≥75岁组病例占比显著上升。纳入免疫规划前、后男性发病数均高于女性。纳入免疫规划前,春季流行高峰明显,夏季小高峰不明显,纳入免疫规划后发病季节性特征逐渐消失。病例职业以农民、家务及待业人员、工人为主。纳入免疫规划后,学生、工人占比显著下降,农民、离退人员、家务及待业人员占比显著上升。结论甲肝疫苗纳入免疫规划后,锦州市甲肝发病水平显著降低,在常规免疫的基础上,开展重点地区、高危人群应急接种工作,大规模接种甲肝疫苗,提高人群免疫水平,是预防甲肝的根本措施。 Objective To understand the epidemiologic characteristics of hepatitis A in Jinzhou, Liaoning from 2002 to2019 and before and after the inclusion of hepatitis A vaccine into the expanded program on immunization(EPI), and provide scientific evidence for the prevention and control of hepatitis A. Methods The incidence data of hepatitis A in Jinzhou from2002 to 2019 were collected for descriptive analysis on the epidemiological characteristics of hepatitis A before(2002–2007)and after(2008–2019) the EPI inclusion. Results After the EPI inclusion, the annual average incidence rate of hepatitis A decreased from 6.24/100 000 to 2.42/100 000. Before the EPI inclusion, the incidence of hepatitis A in county towns was generally higher than that in central urban area. But after the EPI, except the higher incidence of hepatitis A in Yixian county,the area differences gradually decreased. With the exception of Kaifa district and Taihe district, the incidence of hepatitis A in each county(district) showed a downward trend, and there were significant difference before and after the EPI inclusion. The age distribution of the cases was unimodal. The incidence peaked in age group 30-years before the EPI inclusion and in age group 45-years after the EPI inclusion. The age with peak incidence showed an increasing trend. The constituent ratio of the cases in age groups 0-year and 15-years decreased significantly. The constituent ratio of the cases in age group 30-years and60-years increased slightly, and the constituent ratio of the cases in age groups 45-years and ≥75 years increased significantly.More cases occurred in men than in women before and after the EPI inclusion. Before the EPI inclusion, the incidence peak in spring was obvious, but the sub peak in summer was not obvious. With the use of vaccine, the seasonal characteristics of hepatitis A gradually disappeared. The majority of the reported cases were farmers, housework/the unemployed people,workers. After the EPI inclusion, the case constituent of students and workers decreased significantly, and the case constituent of farmers, the retired, housework/the unemployed people increased significantly. Conclusion After the EPI inclusion of hepatitis A vaccine, the incidence of hepatitis A gradually decreased in Jinzhou. In addition to routine vaccine immunizations,the results suggest that emergency vaccination needs to be carried out in the key areas and high-risk population. Mass vaccination of hepatitis A vaccine is the fundamental measure to increase the population immunity level.
作者 田园 Tian Yuan(Jinzhou Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Jinzhou 121000,Liaoning,China)
出处 《疾病监测》 CAS 2020年第10期909-912,共4页 Disease Surveillance
关键词 扩大免疫规划 甲型肝炎 流行病学特征 Expanded program on immunization Hepatitis A Epidemiological characteristics
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