
口腔种植美学的相关影响因素与对策 被引量:5

Related factors and countermeasures of dental implant aesthetics
摘要 除恢复咀嚼功能外,稳定良好的美学效果已成为口腔种植治疗的重要目标。临床医师需要清晰了解影响美学成功的因素,掌握相应的技术要点,从而保证修复义齿与天然牙的协调美观,获得理想的软硬组织结构。本文针对目前口腔种植领域的新进展,从种植体的颈部设计、个性化基台制备、组织增量以及龈乳头高度等方面,对影响口腔种植美学效果的相关因素进行阐述和讨论,为提高口腔种植修复治疗的美学效果提供参考。 In addition to restoring oral function,stable aesthetic outcome has become the goal of oral implant therapy.To ensure the harmonious appearance of the restoration and the natural tooth and to obtain the ideal hard and soft tissue structure,clinicians should have a clear understanding of the factors that influence the success of aesthetics and apply different technique accordingly.In view of the recent progress in the field of oral implant,the factors affecting the aesthetic outcome of implant treatment were discussed including neck design of implant,design of customized abutment,tissue regeneration and gingival papilla height,so as to provide clinical reference to improving the aesthetic outcome of oral implant treatment.
作者 周延民 Zhou Yanmin(Implant Center,School and Hospital of Stomatology,Jilin University,Changchun 130021,China)
出处 《中华口腔医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第11期819-824,共6页 Chinese Journal of Stomatology
关键词 牙种植 美学 牙科 个性化基台 龈乳头 Dental implantation Esthetics,dental Customized abutment Gingival papilla
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