
安徽省物流业碳排放及其影响因素分析 被引量:1

Analysis on Carbon Emission and Influencing Factors of Logistics Industry in Anhui Province
摘要 随着生态环境问题的加剧,低碳化成为热门话题,物流的快速发展致使能源消耗、碳排放增加。为了研究安徽省物流碳排放问题,选择6个可能影响物流业碳排放的因素进行通径分析,结果发现:经济发展水平、城镇化、社会消费、能源效率是促使物流业碳排放增长的重要影响因素,基础设施投资额通过对其他影响因素的间接作用,从而促使碳排放的增加,产业结构对物流业碳排放增加有重要影响。 With the aggravation of increasingly serious ecological and environmental problems,low carbonization has become a hot topic.The rapid development of logistics has led to increased energy consumption and carbon emissions.In order to study the problems of logistics carbon emissions in Anhui Province,six factors that may affect the carbon emissions of the logistics industry were selected for path analysis.It is found from the result that economic development level,urbanization,social consumption,and energy efficiency are the important factors leading to the growth of carbon emissions in the logistics industry.Investment of infrastructure construction prompts the increase of the carbon emission by means of indirect effect on other influencing factors.The industrial structure has important effect on the increase of carbon emissions in the logistics industry.
作者 江纯霞 JIANG Chunxia
出处 《淮北职业技术学院学报》 2020年第5期91-95,共5页 Journal of Huaibei Vocational and Technical College
关键词 物流业 碳排放 通径分析 影响因素 logistics industry carbon emission path analysis influence factors
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