
马克思有一种“狭义历史唯物主义”存在吗?——兼与张一兵教授商榷 被引量:1

Is There a Kind of“Special Historical Materialism”in Marx’s Theory?--A Discussion with Professor ZHANG Yi-bing
摘要 历史唯物主义的广义与狭义区分是马克思哲学思想研究在遭遇到人类历史的一般发展规律与资本主义生产方式的特殊运行规律之间的关系时出现的问题。抛开概念本身而单从现代资本主义历史逻辑批判的角度来看,张一兵教授所谓狭义历史唯物主义思想在马克思那里无疑是存在的。但是,如果联系马克思思想的历史发展就会发现,所谓狭义历史唯物主义不过是马克思通过《资本论》等著作所构建与阐述的政治经济学思想,只不过由于论证资本主义生产方式及其规律的历史的暂时的性质的需要以及由此产生的厚重历史内涵,马克思的政治经济学思想才溢出了资产阶级政治经济学的狭隘范围而具有了广义的色彩。但是,由于广义政治经济学思想被冠之历史唯物主义的名称,就与原本作为马克思主义哲学科学历史观的历史唯物主义概念发生了冲突,这不仅在形式上造成历史唯物主义概念的混乱,更由于站在所谓狭义历史唯物主义的立场而导致彻底否定广义历史唯物主义的错误结论。其实,广义政治经济学在马克思那里具有“政治经济学”或“政治经济学批判”的专一且清晰的称谓,我们完全没有必要另造一个“狭义历史唯物主义”的名称,以至于造成马克思主义哲学理论机体的痉挛,也造成人们思想与理解上的混乱。 The distinction between general historical materialism and special historical materialism appears when the study of Marxist philosophy is confronted with the relationship between the general development law of human history and the special operation law of capitalist mode of production.From the perspective of the historical logic criticism of modern capitalism,there is undoubtedly such special historical materialism in Marxism as Professor ZHANG Yi-bing talked about.However,it can been seen from the historical development of Marx’s thought that special historical materialism is just the political and economic thought constructed and elaborated by Marx in his works such as Das Kapital.It is only because of the need to demonstrate the temporary historical nature of capitalist mode of production and its profound historical connotation that Marx’s thought of political economy broke away from the narrow scope of bourgeois political economics and was thus characteristic of general political economics.However,as general political economics is taken as historical materialism,it conflicts with the concept of historical materialism originally regarded as the historical view of Marxist philosophy and science.This not only causes the confusion of the concept of historical materialism in form,but also leads to the wrong conclusion of completely denying general historical materialism from the point of the view of special historical materialism.In fact,general political economics was specifically termed as“political economics”or“critique of political economics”.There is no need to coin a new term of“special political economics”,which will cause confusion in Marxist philosophical theory and people’s thinking and understanding.
作者 赵庆元 ZHAO Qing-yuan(Department of Marxism,Hebei University of Geosciences,Shijiazhuang,Hebei,050031)
出处 《深圳大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第6期127-135,共9页 Journal of Shenzhen University:Humanities & Social Sciences
基金 国家社科基金后期资助项目“辩证唯物主义历史逻辑研究”(18FZX057) 河北省社会科学基金项目“实践唯物主义反思与批判的历史逻辑研究”(HB15ZX005)。
关键词 广义历史唯物主义 狭义历史唯物主义 广义政治经济学 传统马克思主义哲学解读模式 历史内涵 物役性 general historical materialism special historical materialism general political economics traditional interpretation mode of Marxist philosophy historical connotation thing enslavement
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