
环境犯罪的生态经济伦理维度及其司法规制 被引量:1

Ecological economic ethical dimension of environmental crimes and its judicial regulation
摘要 环境犯罪是最为极端的污染环境或者破坏生态的行为,最为伦理所不容,生态经济伦理研究的目的是为生态经济的发展提供必要的道德辩护以及创造必要的道德秩序或道德氛围,对于环境犯罪的研究不应局限在法学,至少应拓展到生态经济伦理。故而,本文试图采用价值分析、规范分析和实证分析相结合的方法将两者结合起来进行研究。本文发现:从构成要件和关涉因素上看,环境犯罪涉及主体、主观、客体、客观、量刑和案发六大要素;而生态经济伦理具有道德意识、道德规范和道德实践三个层次;这些变量可以在理论上建立三组相互对应的关联模型,即主体、主观对应道德意识,客体、客观对应道德规范,量刑、案发对应道德实践。中国环境犯罪的十七项具体罪名的规定详情,充分印证了这三组模型的合理性,并且表明了环境犯罪生态经济伦理的维度并不均衡、呈非线性分布。而全国环境犯罪的整体数据和最高法院业已发布的典型环境刑事案件的具体情形,无不说明现有的司法规制对于环境犯罪生态经济伦理的观照不足,环境司法尚停留在保护环境资源的工具价值阶段。为此,本文建议出台系统的方案完善环境犯罪的司法规制:其基础在于优化环境犯罪的罪名设计、设置破坏生态罪;其核心在于强调环境刑事审判的精巧、促进绿色司法的实现;而其配套则是重视环境行政执法与刑事犯罪的衔接,特别是证据的转化和认可。 Environmental crime is the most extreme behavior of environmental pollution and ecological destruction,which is not allowed by ethics.The purpose of ecological economic ethics is to provide necessary moral defense for the development of ecological economy and create necessary moral order or moral atmosphere.The study of environmental crime should not only be limited to law;it should also be extended at least to ecological economic ethics.Therefore,this paper attempts to use a method of combining value analysis,normative analysis and empirical analysis to study that.The study finds that:From the perspective of constitutive elements and related factors,environmental crime involves six elements:subject,subjectivity,object,objectivity,sentencing and crime.Ecological economic ethics regulates economy and explores its rationality with ecological ethics,from the aspects of moral consciousness,moral norms and moral practice.These variables can be combined,and three groups of corresponding correlation models can be established,which are subject,subjectivity and moral consciousness;object,objectivity and moral norms;sentencing,crime and moral practice.The details of 17 specific charges of environmental crimes in China’s criminal legislation fully confirm the rationality of these three groups of models.It also shows that the dimensionality aspects of ecological economic ethics of environmental crimes are not balanced and non-linear.And the overall data of environmental crimes in China and the specific situation of typical environmental criminal cases published by the Supreme Court show that the existing judicial regulations are not enough for the demand of ecological economic ethics of environmental crimes,while environmental judicature is still at the level of being a tool of protection rather than of ultimate value.Therefore,this paper suggests that a systematic scheme should be introduced to improve the judicial regulation of environmental crime.As a foundation,we should optimize the charge setting of environmental crimes,set up ecological destruction as a crime;as the core,we should emphasize the deliberation process of environmental criminal trial,promote the realization of green justice;accordingly we should pay attention to the connection of environmental administrative law enforcement and criminal offence,especially the transformation and recognition of evidence.
作者 解丹琪 张忠民 XIE Dan-qi;ZHANG Zhong-min(Institute of Economic Ethics,Zhongnan University of Economics and Law,Wuhan Hubei 430073,China;Law School,Zhongnan University of Economics and Law,Wuhan Hubei 430073,China)
出处 《中国人口·资源与环境》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2020年第10期113-120,共8页 China Population,Resources and Environment
基金 国家社科基金重大项目“新时代生态环境监管体制的法治创新研究”(批准号:18VSJ039) 中南财经政法大学交叉学科创新研究项目“生态治理的中国现象、问题与方法”(批准号:2722019JX002)。
关键词 环境犯罪 生态经济伦理 司法规制 environmental crime ecological economic ethics judicial regulation
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