

Calcifying aponeurotic fibroma of the wrist:one case report and literature review
摘要 目的探讨钙化性腱膜纤维瘤(calcifying aponeurotic fibroma,CAF)的影像学特点、临床病理特征及鉴别诊断要点,以期提高对该病的临床认识。方法分析1例儿童腕部CAF的病史、诊治过程及随访情况;检索1953年至2020年,PubMed、Sciencedirect,中国知网、维普数据库公开发表的文献共有87篇,报道161例病例的CAF,结合本例分析该疾病的临床表现、影像学及临床病理特征、鉴别诊断、诊疗、预后等方面。结果本例CAF患者随访6个月,术后腕关节活动未受影响.无复发迹象;CAF是一种好发于儿童和青少年手掌和足底的肿瘤,CAF以男性多见,多发生于手和足,也发生于前臂、手腕、肘部、肩关节、胸腹壁、脊椎旁肌肉、颈部、大腿和膝关节等部位。结论CAF虽为良性肿瘤,但具有局部侵袭性,治疗主要以手术切除为主,因其易复发,随访至关重要。 Objective To investigate the imaging characteristics,clinicopathological features,and differential diagnosis of calcifying aponeurotic fibroma(CAF)to improve the clinical understanding of this disease.Methods Medical history,diagnosis,treatment,and follow-up of a child with CAF in the wrist were analyzed.PubMed,Sciencedirect,Chinese National Knowledge Infrastructure(CNKI),Vip Database were searched for related articles published from 1953 to 2020.A total of 87 published literatures of 161 cases were retrieved.Clinical manifestations,imaging and clinicopathological features,differential diagnosis,treatment,and prognosis were analyzed.Results Postoperative wrist functions had not been affected and no recurrence was observed in the follow-up of 6 months.CAF,more common in children and teenagers,tends to occur in the palm,pelma,forearm,wrist,elbow,shoulder,chest,abdominal wall,para-spinal muscles,neck,thigh,knee,and other parts.Conclusions CAF is benign but locally invasive.Follow-up observation after surgery should be emphasized because of its high recurrence.
作者 韩艳波 罗丹 何佳桧 董丽儒 HAN Yan-bo;LUO Dan;HE Jiahui;DONG Li-ru(Department of Orthopedics,Luanzhou People's Hospital,Luanzhou,Hebei,063700,China)
出处 《中国骨与关节杂志》 CAS 2020年第11期877-880,共4页 Chinese Journal of Bone and Joint
关键词 腱膜 纤维瘤 放射摄影术 磁共振成像 儿童 钙化性腱膜纤维瘤 Aponeurosis Wrist Fibroma Radiography Magnetic resonance imaging Child Calcifying aponeurotic fibroma
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