
我国体育哲学社会科学国际话语权研究——基于SSCI、A&HCI的文献计量分析 被引量:13

A study on the international discourse right of sports philosophy and social sciences in China——Based on bibliometric analysis of SSCI and A&HCI
摘要 以1980—2019年SSCI和A&HCI数据库收录体育哲学社会科学文献为研究对象,运用文献计量学的研究方法,以文献生产力、文献影响力、文献发展力和文献扩散力4大指标构建的体育哲学社会科学国际话语权评估体系,对我国体育哲学社会科学研究的国际话语权进行量化评估,明确当前我国体育哲学社会科学话语权的国际地位。研究结果显示,我国体育哲学社会科学国际话语权居于亚洲第1位,世界第16位,在世界范围具有较强话语权和影响力。同时存在研究影响力水平低,发展力和扩散力水平表现一般的发展瓶颈问题。应将提升研究影响力作为提升话语权的关键着力点,建立面向世界的有针对性的体育哲学社会科学研究发展战略,明确政策导向,制定研究质量优先的考核激励机制,积极拓展研究机构与研究人员的国际合作范围,建立多元基金资助来源,鼓励研究人员多学科交叉与融合,探索多元化投稿途径,实现我国体育哲学社会科学国际话语权系统性提升。 Taking the literature of sports philosophy and social sciences collected in SSCI and A&HCI database from 1980 to 2019 as the research object,using the research method of bibliometrics,the international discourse right evaluation system of sports philosophy and social sciences was constructed based on the four indexes of lit-erature productivity,literature influence,literature development power and document diffusion power,and the in-ternational discourse right of sports philosophy and social science research in China was quantitatively evaluated to clarify the international status of the discourse power of Chinese sports philosophy and social sciences.The results show that the international discourse right of sports philosophy and social science research in China ranks the 1st in Asia and the 16th in the world,and has a strong voice and influence in the world.At the same time,there are some problems of development bottleneck,such as the low level of research influence and the general level of develop-ment and diffusion.We should take the promotion of research influence as the key point to enhance the discourse right,establish a world-oriented strategy for the research and development of sports philosophy and social sciences,clarify policy guidance,and formulate an assessment and incentive mechanism for giving priority to research qual-ity.We should actively expand the scope of international cooperation between research institutions and researchers,establish multiple sources of funding,and pay attention to encouraging the interdisciplinary and integration for re-searchers,as well as exploring diversified ways of contribution to achieve the systematic promotion of the interna-tional discourse right of sports philosophy and social science in China.
作者 刘云龙 赵聪 LIU Yun-long;ZHAO Cong(School of Humanities,Shanghai University of Finance and Economics,Shanghai 200433,China;School of Sports Science,Shanghai University of Sport,Shanghai 200438,China)
出处 《体育学刊》 CAS CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第6期20-26,共7页 Journal of Physical Education
基金 国家体育总局决策咨询一般课题“新时期提升我国体育哲学社会科学国际话语权研究”(2019-C-10) 上海市马克思主义重点学科建设体育强国专项课题“‘实践本体性’的复归——马克思主义体育观研究”(ZX2018-ZK03)。
关键词 体育哲学社会科学 国际话语权 文献计量 社会科学引文索引 艺术人文引文索引 中国 sports philosophy and social sciences international discourse right bibliometrics SSCI A&HCI China
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