
北斗欺骗干扰对电力授时的影响与对策分析 被引量:1

Study on the Influence of Beidou Deception Jamming on Power Time Service and the Countermeasures
摘要 电力系统中对时间同步精度要求较高,多采用北斗时间与晶振时间相结合的方式为电力设备提供时间基准。但由于民用北斗信号的公开性及低功率特点,使得电力授时单元所依靠的北斗信号易受欺骗干扰的威胁。对此,首先分析了电力授时模块的工作原理;接着介绍了北斗欺骗干扰模型和欺骗干扰的验证实验;最后提出了抗卫星欺骗干扰的对策。经验证,上述对策已应用于实际电力授时系统中,并取得良好效果。 High accuracy of time synchronization is required in the power system,thus the combination of Beidou time and crystal oscillation time is often used to provide a time reference for power equipment.However,due to the accessibility and low power of the civil Beidou signal,the Beidou signal relied on by the power timing unit is vulnerable to the threat of deception jamming.In this paper,the working principle of the power timing module is analyzed firstly;then,the model of Beidou deception jamming is introduced,and the verification experiment of deception jamming is given.Finally,countermeasures of deception jamming in the power system are concluded.It is proved that the countermeasures used in the time services system have achieved favorable results.
作者 陈建平 王旭旭 罗欣宇 章坚武 周剑峰 谢咏海 CHEN Jianping;WANG Xuxu;LUO Xinyu;ZHANG Jianwu;ZHOU Jianfeng;XIE Yonghai(Zhejiang Shuangcheng Electric Co.,Ltd.,Shaoxing Zhejiang 312071,China;School of Communication Engineering,Hangzhou Dianzi University,Hangzhou Zhejiang 310018,China)
出处 《浙江电力》 2020年第11期34-39,共6页 Zhejiang Electric Power
基金 国家自然科学智能电网联合基金(NSF U1866209)。
关键词 电力系统 时间同步 北斗欺骗干扰 抗欺骗干扰方法 power system time synchronization Beidou deception jamming Beidou countermeasures against deception jamming
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