
“互联网+”背景下河北省汉语国际教育 O2O实践教学模式构建 被引量:3

Construction of O2O Practical Teaching Mode of Undergraduate Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages in Hebei Province in the Period of"Internet+"
摘要 在“互联网+”时代下河北省汉语国际教育本科专业实践教学主要存在三大问题:一是学生信息化教学能力薄弱、信息素养不足;二是学生线上实战教学经验欠缺;三是实践教学类课程授课模式和评价方式单一。针对这些问题,以提高学生的综合能力为出发点,将现代信息技术与实践教学相融合,构建了河北省汉语国际教育本科专业的O2O实践教学模式,该模式将线上实践教学与线下实践教学相结合,形成性评价与终结性评价相结合,课内外、校内外、境内外、教学与科研相结合。 In the period of"Internet+",there are three major problems in the undergraduate practical teaching of teaching Chinese to speakers of other languages in Hebei province.Firstly,students'information teaching ability is inadequate and information literacy is insufficient.Secondly,students lack online teaching experience.Thirdly,the teaching mode and evaluation method of practical teaching courses are simple.To solve these problems,in order to improve the comprehensive ability of students,it combines modern information technology with practical teaching,and constructs O2O practice teaching model of the teaching Chinese to speakers of other languages in Hebei province.This model combines online practice teaching with offline practice teaching,formative assessment and summative assessment,and combines teaching and research in and out of class,in and out of school,and in and out of China.
作者 沈莉娜 张琼 SHEN Li-na;ZHANG Qiong(International Education College,North China University of Science and Technology,Tangshan Hebei 063210,China)
出处 《华北理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2020年第6期95-100,共6页 Journal of North China University of Science and Technology(Social Science Edition)
基金 2020-2021年度河北省社会科学基金项目“‘双万计划’下河北汉语国际教育本科专业建设现状、困厄及优化研究”(课题编号:HB20JY019)。
关键词 汉语国际教育 O2O 实践教学 信息化 teaching Chinese to speakers of other languages O2O practical teaching informatization
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