This paper analyzes a series of macro policies that have been closely related to auto market in China since the 2008 financial crisis.Policies such as car subsidy program for rural areas,tax incentives for small displacement cars,subsidies for trading-in old car for new ones,and purchase subsidies for new energy vehicles have effectively promoted development of China’s automobile market,while restrictions on car licenses and purchases have significantly restrained automobile consumption.Based on provincial automobile sales panel data from 2002 to 2017,dynamic panel data system GMM model was used to empirically analyze impact of macro policies on China's automobile market.The results show that China's automobile market has a significant inertia effect,and the impact of macro policies on the automobile market both promotion and suppression effects are very significant,in which estimated coefficient of dummy variable of automobile market incentive policy is significantly positive,and estimated coefficient of dummy variable of automobile market suppression policy is significantly negative.Compared with the promotion policy,the suppression policy has a greater degree of influence on the automobile market.It is obvious that the factors such as residents'consumption level,automobile production,highway freight volume,and highway passenger volume also have a significant positive promotion effect on the automobile market.Based on the empirical analysis,this paper puts forward countermeasures and suggestions for the country to formulate and implement macro policies related to the automotive market in the future.
GE Zhi-zhuan;WU Xi-bo(Guangzhou Academy of Social Sciences,Guangzhou 510410,China)
Science Technology and Industry