
CVM有效性和可靠性的研究与争论:范围问题的探讨 被引量:3

The Research and Debate over the Validity and Reliability of CVM:The Issue of Scope
摘要 条件价值评估法(Contingent Valuation Method,CVM)是最重要的非市场经济价值评估方法。范围问题是CVM有效性和可靠性持续研究与争论的焦点之一,包括范围反应敏感性问题和范围反应充分性问题两个方面。文章对范围问题的相关概念、有效性检验和可靠性检验、范围反应敏感性问题多元研究视角(经济学视角、心理学视角、设计与执行视角)等核心内容进行了评述,并分析了NOAA专家小组及一些经济学家的标志性成果。研究发现:范围反应充分性或合理性持续争论的实质性问题是结构效度检验(范围检验、加总检验)面临着挑战;根据CVM应用的不同领域,发展具有差异性的范围反应充分性或合理性的检验方法是范围问题未来研究的核心方向。 The contingent valuation method(CVM)is the most important way used by economists to evaluate the non-market economic value of public goods.The issue of scope is one of the core problems in the research and debate over the validity and reliability of CVM,which includes the sensitivity of response to scope and the adequacy of response to scope.This paper reviewed and discussed the related concepts about the scope problem,the validity test and reliability test,and study on the sensitivity of response to scope from various perspectives(such as economics,psychology,and design and implementation about CVM).Furthermore,the paper deeply analyzed the milestone achievements made by the NOAA Panel and some leading economists.The results are as follows:firstly,the essence of the continuing debate over the adequacy(or plausibility)of response to scope is the applicability of construct validity tests(such as scope test or adding-up test).Secondly,formulating a series of testing method about the adequacy(or plausibility)of response to scope based on different fields is a core direction for future research.
作者 肖建红 XIAO Jian-hong
出处 《中国地质大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第6期59-74,共16页 Journal of China University of Geosciences(Social Sciences Edition)
基金 国家社会科学基金一般项目“基于条件价值评估法的群岛旅游资源非使用价值评估嵌入效应问题研究”(17BGL247) 山东省海洋“精品旅游”社会服务创新团队项目(057) 中国博士后科学基金面上项目“舟山群岛旅游资源非使用价值评估两个范围问题研究”(2019M662308)。
关键词 条件价值评估法 范围问题 有效性 可靠性 contingent valuation method the issue of scope validity reliability
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