
基于飞行可达域的飞行器轨迹快速规划方法 被引量:1

Fast Trajectory Planning of Vehicle Based on Coverage Region
摘要 针对再入飞行器大范围横向机动飞行航迹快速规划问题,基于飞行器气动特性参数构建了飞行可达域,飞行过程中飞行器无需对标称航迹进行解算,通过在飞行可达域中寻找与既定目标区域接近点进行航迹快速规划,给出飞行控制所需的攻角及倾侧角,并在飞行航迹中的决策点持续更新控制参数,实现了对飞行航迹的快速修正,并可在目标区域变更时快速给出新的飞行航迹规划结果。针对典型目标区域及目标变更情况进行了仿真,结果表明基于飞行可达域的航迹规划方法可以实现对大范围目标区域航迹的快速规划,对飞行过程中航迹在线规划有很好的适应性。 A novel fast trajectory planning of reentry vehicle with strong lateral maneuverability is presented to satisfy long lateral maneuver range,the flight coverage region is established based on aerodynamic characteristic of the reentry vehicle. Vehicles no longer needed to calculate the nominal path during the reentry process. The fast trajectory planning method is to calculate angle of attack and bank angle by finding the approach point to the target area from flight coverage region. The control parameters are updated during each decision-making point,which would steer the vehicle to the target area. A new flight trajectory can be planned rapidly when the target area changes. The simulation in different target area and situation of target changing shows that the trajectory planning method based on coverage region is valid,and can be used in online trajectory planning.
作者 齐征 王兰松 朱睿颖 刘明 杨明 杨丁 Qi Zheng;Wang Lansong;Zhu Ruiying;Liu Ming;Yang Ming;Yang Ding(Science and Technology on Space Physics Laboratory,Beijing 100076,China)
出处 《战术导弹技术》 北大核心 2020年第5期106-113,共8页 Tactical Missile Technology
关键词 飞行可达域 再入飞行器 航迹规划 reentry coverage zone reentry vehicle trajectory planning
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