近年来,随着卫星遥感技术在各行各业的发展,高分辨率数字正射影像(DOM)在水利领域中发挥的作用日趋重要,通过专业的卫星影像处理软件生产DOM越来越普及.在2020年北京市水土流失动态监测中,采用PIE-Ortho 6.0软件对项目所需的高分遥感卫星影像进行预处理,用于解译土地利用及水土保持措施等.卫星遥感成像时受到自身结构因素、各种环境因素及往年基准影像的影响,导致DOM流程化生产后部分成果存在偏移,出现精度超限的问题.针对GF-2数据RPC模型精度问题引起的精度超限、正射影像内局部区域精度超限及相邻正射影像接边引起的精度超限等3种情况提出了解决方案,并通过PIE-Ortho 6.0软件实现对精度超限问题的处理,成果满足水土流失动态监测的要求.
In recent years, along with the development of satellite remote sensing technology in all walks of life, high resolution digital orthophoto( DOM) plays an increasingly important role in the field of water conservancy and DOM is becoming more and more popular through professionalsatellite image processing software. During the dynamic monitoring of soil and water loss in Beijing in 2020, PIE-Ortho 6.0 softwarewas used to preprocess the high resolution remote sensing satellite images required by the project for interpreting land use and soil and waterconservation measures. Due to the satellite remote sensing imaging was affected by its own structural factors, various environmental factorsand reference images of previous years, it led to the deviation of some achievements after DOM process production and there was the problemof precision overrun. Aiming at the three issues of accuracy overrun caused by the RPC model of GF-2 data, the accuracy overrun of local areain orthophoto and accuracy overrun caused by adjacent orthophoto edge joining, the paper put forward a solution. Through PIE-Ortho 6.0software, the issue of precision overrun was solved and the results had met the requirements of dynamic monitoring of soil and water loss.
ZHENG Wen'ge;GUO jin;LIU Fengjun(Beijing General Station of Soil and Water Conservation,Beijing 100036,China;PIESAT,Beijing 100195,China)
Soil and Water Conservation in China