

The Meaning Construction and Interpretation of Children's Picture Books——A Case Study of Picture Book No,David
摘要 近年来,绘本因其独特的叙事方式、巧妙的图文搭配及有趣的视觉体验受到儿童和家长的广泛关注。通过多模态话语分析及克瑞斯和范勒文的视觉语法理论,以经典绘本《大卫,不可以》为例,解读绘本中的叙事图像特征、模态、色彩以及图文关系,探讨绘本中的视觉元素是如何创造意义的,以期为读者阅读绘本提供新的方法和视角,为本土绘本的创作编排提供思考。 Due to its unique narrative style,ingenious image-text relationship and interesting visual experience,the picture books have received extensive attention from children and adults in recent years.Through the multimodal discourse analysis and visual grammar theory,this paper takes the classic picture book No,David as an example to interpret the visual symbols,such as characteristics of narrative images,modality,color and image-text relationship in the picturebook in order to find out how the visual elements create meaning in images.It aims to provide readers with new methods and perspectives for reading picture books and to provide some suggestions for the creation of local picture books.
作者 张萍 张庆彬 ZHANG Ping;ZHANG Qing-bin(School of Foreign Languages,Zhengzhou University,Zhengzhou,Henan,450000)
出处 《贵州师范学院学报》 2020年第8期34-40,共7页 Journal of Guizhou Education University
基金 国家社科基金项目“英汉儿童指类句习得心理机制的实证研究”(16CYY002) 外语教学与研究出版社项目“新世界主义视域下的语言学教学研究”(FLTRPZD20191018)。
关键词 儿童绘本 视觉语法 视觉叙事图像 图文关系 《大卫 不可以》 Children’s Picture Books Visual Grammar Narrative Images Image-text Relationship No,David
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