

Marketing Communication Strategy Innovation Based on Social Media Word of Mouth
摘要 社会化媒体为广大受众提供了信息、建议分享的空间,使用户能够有效聚合。在社会化媒体基础上,原本无序甚至杂乱无章的一些网民群体被清晰的人际关系网络联系在一起,社会化媒体的商业价值也越来越多地被企业所重视。口碑是影响广大消费者意愿以及行为的重要营销传播模式,其在当前的社会化媒体时代背景下的影响力远远超出了熟人、朋友圈,并且逐渐成为关注的焦点。该文主要对社会媒体口碑的营销传播创新进行分析,并在此基础上谈一下个人的观点与认识,以供参考。 Social media provides a space for the audience to share information and suggestions,so that users can effectively aggregate.On the basis of social media,some Internet users who were originally disorderly or even disorderly were connected by clear interpersonal networks,and the business value of social media was more and more valued by enterprises.Word of mouth(WOM)is an important marketing communication mode that affects the wishes and behaviors of consumers.Its influence far exceeds the circle of acquaintances and friends in the current social media era,and has gradually become the focus of attention.This paper mainly analyzes the marketing communication innovation of social media word-of-mouth,and on this basis,discusses personal views and understanding for reference.
作者 陈蕾 苑晓雪 CHEN Lei;YUAN Xiaoxue(Changchun Finance College;Changchun High Tech Second Experimental School,Changchun,Jilin Province,130000 China)
出处 《科技资讯》 2020年第32期83-85,共3页 Science & Technology Information
基金 2019年吉林省电子商务学会“十三五”规划项目“基于社会化媒体平台的营销信息传播研究”成果(项目编号:2019JLDS028)。
关键词 社会化媒体 口碑 营销传播 策略创新 Social media Word of mouth Marketing communication Strategic innovation
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