
全断面竖井掘进机上排渣关键技术研究与试验 被引量:18

Research and Test on Vertical Discharge of Full-face Shaft Boring Machine
摘要 为解决竖井掘进机施工过程中竖向排干渣的难题,提出全断面竖井掘进机上排渣技术。首先,介绍上排渣系统的技术原理和排渣能力;然后,针对岩渣粒径控制技术、刮板输送机刮渣技术、刮渣盲区清渣技术、斗式提升机转渣技术进行研究;最后,进行不同推力和转速等多种工况下的掘进试验。结果表明:上排渣技术可行,岩渣粒径可控,排渣系统运转正常。全断面竖井掘进机上排渣技术,为竖井掘进机机械化连续排渣提供了一种可行可靠的方法,有利于促进竖井掘进施工技术的进步。 The vertical discharge is a difficulty during construction of shaft boring machine,hence,the technology of vertical discharge for full-face shaft boring machine is proposed.First,the technical principle and discharge capacity of the vertical discharge system are introduced.And then some technologies such as slag particle size control,slag scraping of scraper conveyor,slag removal at blind area and slag transfer of bucket elevator are analyzed.Finally,the boring tests under various conditions with different thrust forces and torques are carried out.The results show that the vertical discharge technology is feasible,the particle size is controllable and the discharge system runs normally.The vertical discharge of full-face shaft boring machine is a feasible method for mechanized continuous discharge,which helps to advance the construction technology of shaft boring.
作者 贾连辉 吕旦 郑康泰 肖威 冯琳 JIA Lianhui;LYU Dan;ZHENG Kangtai;XIAO Wei;FENG Lin(China Railway Engineering Equipment Co.,Ltd.,Zhengzhou 450016,Henan,China)
出处 《隧道建设(中英文)》 北大核心 2020年第11期1657-1663,共7页 Tunnel Construction
基金 中国中铁股份有限公司科技研究开发计划(2019-重大-12) 郑州市重大科技创新专项项目(2019CXZX0049)。
关键词 全断面竖井掘进机 上排渣 粒径控制 刮板输送机 斗式提升机 full-face shaft boring machine vertical discharge particle size control scraper conveyor bucket elevator
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