
从国家到市民社会:马克思对黑格尔唯心主义国家观的颠倒 被引量:2

From State to Civil Society:Marx's Reversal of Hegel's Idealist View of State
摘要 黑格尔的国家观是马克思早期思想发展过程中关注的对象,也是学界一直探讨的热点。黑格尔从逻辑泛神论出发,认为国家决定市民社会,将国家抽象化为纯理智的绝对精神。而马克思在费尔巴哈哲学方法论的影响下唯物主义地指出,黑格尔的错误之处不仅在语言表达上,而且在内容上没有全面把握国家和市民社会关系的实质。他继而从单纯的哲学思辨转移到对社会历史现实问题的思考上,将黑格尔国家和市民社会的关系颠倒过来,得出市民社会决定国家的论断。从哲学视角深入剖析马克思对黑格尔唯心主义国家观的批判,有助于从语言逻辑上更深刻地理解《黑格尔法哲学批判》的主旨,也为进一步探讨市民社会理论提供了学理支撑。 Hegel’s view of the state is the object attended in the development of Marx’s early thoughts,and it is also a hot topic discussed in the academic circle.From the perspective of logical pantheism,he thought that the state decided the civil society and abstracted the state into the absolute spirit of pure understanding.Under the influence of feuerbach’s philosophical methodology,Marx pointed out in a materialistic way that Hegel’s errors were not only in the language expression,but also in the content,that is,he did not fully understand the essence of the relationship between the state and civil society.He then transferred from the simple philosophical speculation to the social and historical reality,reversed the relationship between the state and civil society which was proposed by Hegel,and finally came to the conclusion that civil society determined the state.This paper makes an in-depth analysis of Marx’s criticism of Hegel’s idealist state view from the perspective of philosophy,which helps us to understand the theme of Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Law from the perspective of language and logic,and also provides theoretical support for further discussion of the theory of civil society.
作者 何小青 HE Xiaoqing(College of Marxism,Chang'an University,Xi'an,Shaanxi,710064,China)
出处 《西安石油大学学报(社会科学版)》 2020年第6期81-86,共6页 Journal of Xi’an Shiyou University:Social Science Edition
基金 长安大学研究生科研实践项目“青年马克思对唯心主义批判的演进逻辑”(300103703068)。
关键词 《黑格尔法哲学批判》 国家 市民社会 主谓颠倒 Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Law countries civil society subject-predicate inversion
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