Since Trump took office in 2016,U.S.foreign policy has undergone a series of drastic adjustments,which led to an earthquake of the relations between U.S.and the world.During his four-year tenure,Trump has launched a global trade war,“exited”from various multilateral cooperation mechanisms,built the border wall,reshaped the U.S.alliance system,and intensified the strategic competition with China.These diplomatic actions not only reflect Trump s strong personal character,but also reveal the transformation of U.S.diplomatic strategy,which could be defined as the“Trump Doctrine”.The essence of the Trump Doctrine is“America First”.Trump embraces“the law of jungle”in business as well as the rules of negotiation,and introduces them to the fields of international relations,boosting the return of geopolitics.He sees the game of great powers as the primary challenge to America s diplomatic and security strategy,and tries to maximize America s benefits by employing strategies such as peer-to-peer transactions and extreme pressure,etc.Trump Doctrine emphasizes the development of U.S.hard power by military and economic growth,seeking peace with strength and prosperity with development,and promotes the transfer of industries back to the United States.Trump Doctrine is mixed with elements of Reaganism,Jacksonism,and Nixonism.It marks the cyclical transition of the United States from idealism to realism,and from internationalism to isolationism after the Cold War.It adopts strategic contraction to deal with the challenges of the“post-American era”,resolve the domestic problems and adjust the relationship between the United States and the world.Trump Doctrine has not yet become a new diplomatic tradition,but as international relations are undergoing historical transformation,the“extreme pressure”from Trump Doctrine on the U.S.political-economic system and international order may also contribute to the changes in U.S.diplomatic strategy.The 2020 election is a contest for President Trump himself,not an examination of Trump Doctrine.The legacy of Trump Doctrine is going to become a basic factor in U.S.foreign policy and play an important role in a considerable period of time.
Foreign Affairs Review