
刮膜神方直万金 国医曾费一生心——访国医大师、藏医院前院长占堆先生 被引量:1

Effective Treatments on almost Incurable Diseases are Indisputably Invaluable Because National Master Medical Doctors have been Committing themselves to the Lifesaving Cause——An Interview with Mr.Dradwei,a National Master Medical Doctor Award Winner and the Former President of Tibetan Medicine Hospital
摘要 中国民族医药学会副会长、西藏第二位“国医大师”占堆先生是藏医院前院长,曾荣获国家民族事务委员会、劳动人事部、科技部授予的“少数民族地区长期从事科技工作特殊荣誉”等多项省部级以上奖励,是享受国务院特殊津贴专家。文章针对占堆先生的人生经历、传统藏医药学和中医药学的渊源,以及先生对藏医药继承、创新、发展方面的贡献等进行访谈,同时探讨了藏医药产业化发展和藏医药人才培养等事宜,以期对新时代藏医药学的发展和研究给予启示。 Mr.Dradwei(Dgra-vdul),the former president of Tibetan Medicine Hospital and the vice-president of China Medical Association of Minorities,has also been the second National Master Medical Doctor Award Win⁃ner ever in Tibet so far and an expert enjoying the special allowance of the State Council of China.He has not on⁃ly been an outstanding scholar successful in compiling numerous Tibetan medicinal documents,tapping tradition⁃al Tibetan treatments and but also a renowned Tibetan medicine specialist,therefore he has won a wealth of pro⁃vincial-ministrial level awards,such as awards from National Ethnic Commission of the People's Republic of China,former counterpart of Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security of the People's Republic of Chi⁃na,Ministry of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China and other departments.who has revital⁃ized the Tibetan bloodletting,a spectacular Tibetan traditional treatment for some diseases with good results.The article showcases the history and glory of Tibetan Medicine by an interview with Mr.Dradwei,who also introduc⁃es his own medical learning experiences and practice history.The interviewee Mr.Dradwei,explains the origins and differences between Tibetan medicine and Chinese medicine.He also gives a brief introduction to the inheri⁃tance,innovation and development of the Tibetan medicine.And industrialization,the nurturing of the talents in the field of traditional Tibetan Medicine is also discussed.We hope that the interview will inspire the further re⁃searchers in Tibetan medicine in the new era.
作者 谭益兰 边珍 TAN Yi-lan;Pendrun(School of Tourism and Foreign Languages,Tibet University;Lhasa Normal University,Lhasa,Tibet 850000)
出处 《西藏大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2020年第4期1-9,共9页 Journal of Tibet University
基金 2019年度国家社会科学基金一般项目“语言类型学视角下藏汉英三语语序对比研究”阶段性成果,项目号:19BYY113。
关键词 藏医药 门孜康 传承与创新 产业化 人才培养 Tibetan Medicine Menzikang(i.e.Tibetan Medicine Hospital) inheritance innovation and industrial⁃ization talents nurturing
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