
B7-H3在类风湿关节炎中的研究进展 被引量:3

Progress of the researches on B7-H3 in rheumatoid arthritis
摘要 B7-H3是一种新的共刺激分子,属于B7超家族,其广泛分布于淋巴组织及非淋巴组织。研究发现B7-H3在多种恶性肿瘤组织高表达,并且与恶性肿瘤的增殖、侵袭、转移及预后不良等因素密切相关,B7-H3在自身免疫性疾病特别是类风湿关节炎中发挥重要作用。因此,本文就B7-H3在类风湿关节炎的发病机制的研究进行综述。 B7-H3 is a new co-stimulatory molecule belonging to B7 superfamily,which is widely distributed in lymphoid and non-lymphoid tissues.Researches show that B7-H3 is highly expressed in various malignant tumor tissues and is closely related to the proliferation,invasion,metastasis and poor prognosis of malignant tumors.B7-H3 plays an important role in autoimmune diseases,especially in rheumatoid arthritis.Therefore,this paper reviewed the researches on B7-H3 in the pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis.
作者 刘文亚 朱红胜 严茹红 LIU Wenya;ZHU Hongsheng;YAN Ruhong(Department of Clinical Laboratory,Suzhou Municipal Hospital Affiliated to Nanjing Medical University,Jiangsu,Suzhou 215001,China;Department of Clinical Laboratory,the Affiliated Suzhou Science and Technology Town Hospital of Nanjing Medical University,Jiangsu,Suzhou 215153,China)
出处 《中国医药科学》 2020年第21期53-55,62,共4页 China Medicine And Pharmacy
关键词 B7-H3 共刺激分子 类风湿关节炎 血管生成 B7-H3 Co-stimulatory molecule Rheumatoid arthritis Angiogenesis
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