
藁杆双脐螺的人工饲养研究 被引量:1

Artificial breeding of Biomphalaria straminea
摘要 目的探索藁杆双脐螺人工饲养繁殖方法,了解其生长习性,为今后开展相关科学研究及防病提供技术支持。方法通过人工饲养,观察不同水体大小(烧杯、搪瓷盆、玻璃缸)饲养容器内双脐螺的存活、繁殖情况。再选择出生长较好、易操作的一种饲养容器,继续使用单只螺饲养观察其生命周期和繁殖能力等特性。结果在烧杯内,1只种螺30 d内平均产卵数为10.6块,平均成活螺数12.8只;在搪瓷盘内,1只种螺30 d内平均产卵数为17.9块,平均成活螺数176.1只;在玻璃缸内,1只种螺30 d平均产卵数为26.3块,平均成活螺数669.1只。采用适中的水体搪瓷盆饲养观察双脐螺生长周期变化,单只成螺每周平均产卵约6块,每块卵平均约含39.6粒螺胚,卵块孵化出成活螺率高达92.42%(36.6/39.6),螺卵产出至孵化出幼螺平均时间约22.4 d,幼螺孵化后至产卵平均时间约33.0 d,成螺产卵持续时间约140.5 d,平均存活时间(幼螺孵化后至死亡)约为275.0 d。结论在实验室条件,藁杆双脐螺的产卵数、卵胚孵化成活螺数在一定量水体条件下,与水体大小成正比,用玻璃缸能快速繁殖藁杆双脐螺,该方法值得有关科研单位推广使用。 Objective To explore the artificial feeding and breeding method and study the growth habit of Biomphalaria straminea,and provid technical support for future scientific research and disease prevention.Methods The survival and reproduction of Biomphalaria straminea in different size of water body(beaker,enamel disc,aquarium)were observed by artificial feeding.A feeding container with good growth and easy operation was selected,and the life cycle and reproductive capacity of a single snail were observed.Results Use beaker as feeding devices,each female snail reproduced 10.6 eggs and hatched out 12.8 young snails in 30 days averagely.Use enamel disc as feeding devices,each female snail reproduced 17.9 eggs and hatched out 176.1 young snails in 30 days averagely.Use ecological aquarium as feeding devices,each female snail reproduced 26.3 eggs,hatched out 669.1 young snails.The growth cycle of biomphalaria was observed by feeding in a suitable enamel disc.Each female snail reproduced 6 eggs,each egg had 39.6 embryos in a week averagely and the survival rate of snails hatched from eggs reached 92.42%(36.6/39.6).The median time of eggs hatches into young snails was 22.4 days.The median time of young snails grew to spawning period was 33.0 days.The media spawning cycle was 140.5 days.The median life of Biomphalaria straminea was 275.0 days.Conclusions Under laboratory conditions,the number of eggs laid and the number of surviving snails hatched from eggs were proportional to the size of the water body under certain water conditions.Ecological aquarium is suitable for the rapid propagation of Biomphalaria straminea.This method is worthy of popularization and application on relevant scientific research institutions.
作者 卢文成 黄少玉 毛强 邓卓晖 LU Wen-cheng;HUANG Shao-yu;MAO Qiang;DENG Zhuo-hui(Guangdong Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Guangzhou,Guangdong 511430,China)
出处 《热带医学杂志》 CAS 2020年第10期1280-1282,1287,共4页 Journal of Tropical Medicine
基金 国家重点研发计划“生物安全关键技术研发”专项(2016YFC1200500)。
关键词 藁杆双脐螺 人工饲养 生长习性 饲养工具 Biomphalaria straminea Artificial breeding Growth habit Breeding tool
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